26 December 2006

Life Lessons 2006

As I think about the New Year that is only days away from making its grand entrance, I can’t help but think about some of the key things that I learned this year;

I learned that my biggest gift used to be my biggest curse.

I learned that some people are indeed seasonal, and it doesn’t matter if the season was a long or a short one. When it is time for them to go you have to let them.

I learned how to look at a person’s spirit.

I learned so much about Faith, and how it will move mountains if you truly believe and have no doubt.

I learned that spreading the Word makes me feel good inside.

I learned that forgiveness is hard to do, but necessary if you want to have peace.

I learned that you should not say that you love someone if you don’t mean it.

I learned how to thank the Father for all things great and small.

I learned that demonic spirits are on this earth and they come in many forms.

I learned that I have been blessed with many gifts and as long as I use them to help others, they will become stronger.

I learned to be content with what I have now and not worry about what I don’t have.

I learned to give and not expect anything in return.

I learned how to pray for my enemies even when my flesh wasn’t a willing participant.

I learned that I really do enjoy helping others.

I learned that you can lead people to the Word but you can’t make them live it.

I learned that man will let you down, but Jesus never fails.

Is there anyone else out there who learned a valuable lesson(s) this year?

Be Blessed *Y’all.

06 December 2006

Speed Demons

Two steps forward -ten steps back.

How many of *y’all know someone that is always trying to get the hook up? I mean they always want to do things the easy way. They never want to do things the true way. They don’t want to work for anything, but these same people will spend day and night finding a way to get around doing things the correct way. They would rather rush through and get instant results. I know people who think that by doing this that they will become successful. When in reality those two steps forward always end up with them taking ten steps back. Why not take your time, pray about it, and wait on the Lord to tell you when to make a move? Anxiousness is not of the Lord. If you ever feel anxious pray it off of you, because that is the enemy in your ear trying to get you to move without listening to the Holy Spirit. If you are someone who is always trying to get ahead the wrong way, then you need to slow down, because all of those quick speedy steps will only get you that much closer to hell.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all

30 November 2006

“Tomorrow Will Bring…..”

How many of *y’all know that we are not promised tomorrow? How many of y’all know that that annoying alarm clock that you smack every morning really doesn’t have anything to do with your waking up? How many of *y'all know that you should not boast about tomorrow because you don’t know if you will be here? You shuld be trying to live a righteous life and help others, and not wasting your time plotting foolish revenges and vendettas on your enemies. If you have been trying to live as Jesus taught us, then I commend you, because in today’s society it is so easy not to turn the other cheek, it is too easy to pick up something and knock someone upside the head with it, and way too easy to try and please the world. Well if you are a plotter then you have wasted precious time when you could have been giving and reaping the benefits that joy and peace can give you. I feel sorry for you because you spent your precious moments on this earth taking and consuming and not planting any seeds of love. I know that the enemy makes you feel like it is too late to get it together and has lied and told you that you have gone way too far. But speaking from a former plotter of hate and deceit, I know that each day we wake up is a chance for each of us to get right. So before you close your eyes tonight I want *y’all to think about one thing; “If you don’t wake up tomorrow morning, where do you think your soul will go?”

Be Blessed *Y’all.

17 November 2006


Misery- “Great mental or emotional distress; extreme unhappiness.”

How many of *y’all know an extremely negative person? I mean almost everything that comes out of them is negative or negative related. How many of *y'all can’t stand to see this person coming your way? How many of you think when you see them coming, "Uh oh here comes Mr. Pessimistic- Full –of- Misery to spread their gloomy-doomy for the day! Or here comes Mr. I hate my dog, my cat, my car, my house, my family, my shoe, my lil’ baby toe ...” They literally make Scrooge look like a saint. Even if you were in a pretty good mood, sometimes after being around this person you kind of felt down in the dumps too. You know why you felt like this? It is because that is a negative spirit that is looking for its next victim to beat up. You need to stay away from people like this; you should not entertain them. Tell them that if all they have to spread around is pessimism, then to please stay away from you. If all they have to give is a bag of sad sack then they need to step the other way! Don’t get me wrong I love the Lord and I have everlasting Joy that no man can ever take, but I still don’t want to use up all my energy trying to pep them up all the time. Entertaining negative people will drain you and make you more susceptible to the enemy’s attacks. Don’t get me wrong, we all have bad days, and at times we may feel sad, etc., and we may need an encouraging word or two to help pick us back up so that we can continue on the path of righteousness. I am not talking about those instances. I am talking about perpetual Joy-Jackers; people who think that their job is to make others miserable, and not only do they think it is their job, they enjoy the overtime! So for the children of God out there who come across negative pessimistic spirits, lets make sure that these miserable demons stay unemployed.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all.

09 November 2006

Predators in a Skirt

I Corinthians 6:9 “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders”

This topic is one that I had being trying to avoid but the Holy Spirit has been on me to put it out there,so here it is. How many of you have had someone approach you as though they were your friend? They were there when you were down and always had the right words to say to you at the right time. They agreed with you on everything and may have even lightly rubbed your back, arm, or hand. Did you begin to feel uncomfortable around this friend? Did you start to feel like they were sizing you up? Did you begin to see the lust in their eyes? Did you wonder why they always talked about how some man (men) did them wrong and how none of them are any good? Did they say, “Girl, we have to stick together?” Did they finally get bold enough and outright try you? Did they get angry with you when you declined their advances? Or did they act like you were reading more into the situation, as if you didn't see them acting like a pit bull in heat? Well if any of this or similar has happened to you before, you were being entertained by a homosexual spirit. They pretended to be down with you to gain your trust, but they had hidden motives. I call them Predators in a skirt. They have been hurt so badly by men that they stopped liking men and now have a taste for females. They are hungry and you are the menu that they now crave. If this has happened to you, you are supposed to rebuke them in the name of Jesus, because homosexuality is a demonic spirit. You don’t have to call them names, but use the Word to call it like you see it! Homosexuality is a sin and although society is making it the norm, it is wrong! I am one of those who are so tired of homosexuals comparing themselves to being white, black, hispanic, etc. They are trying to make us believe that they were born like that. I don’t know what God y’all serve but my God doesn’t make any mistakes! He made Adam and Eve so that they may create life. Two people of the same sex can’t produce anything but more demonic spirits. They are only fulfilling their fleshly desires. We are not supposed to entertain them. For y’all out there that have been approached by them; hit 'em up with the Word everytime, (no more, no less) because it cuts like a double edged sword. For those of you who have those demonic spirits lurking within you, you need to repent now! Get out of darkness and start living in the light.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all.

08 November 2006

I’ma people

Actions Speak Loud!

Have you ever been in a relationship where the person says, “I love you," and then they turn right around and snatch your heart right out of your chest? I mean they think that by merely saying the words I love you, it is enough. If you really love someone your actions will show it, and that person will feel it. That’s like someone who says ,"I’ma get off drugs,” but they stay posted up at a crack house; or someone who says, “I’ma lose weight,” but they drink Slim Slow everyday. Stop saying, “I’ma stop smoking,” when you smell like a chimney! What I am trying to say is “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”. What if Jesus walked around back then only saying that he was the Son of God,but he smoked and got drunk with the fellas? Who would have believed in him if his actions were not in accordance with his Words?
I am not judging anyone, but I think we should stop entertaining I’ma people. Stop saying that you believe in them when you know in your heart that they haven’t really changed. You are only giving them fuel to keep up the madness. Be honest with them and tell them up front, "If you can’t walk the walk, then –Sit Down and Be Quiet!"

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

02 November 2006

He Guides Me….

I apologize for not posting anything in awhile y'all, but please know that everything that I put on this blog is things that the Holy Spirit tells me to write. I can’t rush it. I study the Word daily so that I won’t be tempted to put my emotions in it. I don’t want to mislead anyone who may be seeking Jesus in the wrong direction because of my personal feelings. If I were to put everything on here that I wanted to, it just wouldn’t flow right. Y’all would be talking about me under your breath talking about some, “Who does she think she is? She is getting beside herself,Lord please help her!…..” The reason I know that I am led by the Holy Spirit to do this blog is because I can read some of the past posts and can hardly believe that I wrote them. So truly this blog is a blessing to me also. All comments are welcome, but please don’t use profanity or try to push your anti-Christ agenda, because I will delete them with the quickness! (click,click gone!). This blog does not entertain confusion, and I refuse to let the enemy jack God’s Glory!

Be Blessed Y’all.

26 October 2006

Grave Diggers

PROVERBS 26:27 " If a man digs a pit, he will fall into it; if a man rolls a stone, it will roll back on him ."

I realize that some people don't like others for differing reasons, and I have no problem with this. However, I do have a problem with people who constantly roam around digging graves for you to fall into. I mean, they spend numerous man-hours plotting your downfall. They are constantly trying to push you over the edge, hoping that you will fall into their hole. Do you know someone like this? If you know someone like this then you need to beware of the fool, because they will do anything to make you fall. These same people seem to have no time or energy for anything positive or uplifting, yet they spend countless hours and even days plotting your destruction. These people will dig the equivalent of the Grand Canyon with their bare hands (without rest) because they are overly consumed with jealousy, anger, hatred, etc. and can do this effortlessly because they have those evil spirits in them egging them on. (Again, this proves the lengths that the enemy will go through to set you up for failure.) If you know someone like this, you should try to avoid them, but if you have to be around them, don’t give them anything to use against you, because they are always lurking in the shadows waiting for you to slip up. Don’t fall for their fake smiles and concerns, because light and dark will never coincide. Always, use the Word when dealing with them. Don’t battle them physically because that’s unnecessary; in fact you should continue to pray for them. One thing to remember is that the enemy won’t fight with himself, because even he knows he looks foolish doing so. If you continue to deal with them like this, and they refuse to change, don't stress because you will eventually see them descend into the same hole that was meant for you, talking about some,"I have fallen and I can't get up!"

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all

14 October 2006

Spiritual Warfare

Mount Up!

1 Corinthians 15:57~"But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ." ~

I went back into the Army *y’all, (I am not talking about man’s army!) and I want you to join this Army too. We were all born soldiers, but the question is which side are you on? You have to choose a side, either you are for God or against God. There is no in between. If you join this Army you will even get a huge bonus at the end (you will get to enter heaven). To be in this Army you have to be sober, joyful, and have a desire to live right. In order to be prepared for this war you have to go through basic training where you learn the basics like; place the Lord first in all that you do and always give him the glory! Then once you understand this, you have to go through the secondary training which teaches you how to love and forgive, and then for the best of the best soldiers you have to go through a Special Forces type training. These soldiers live, breathe, and eat righteousness and have graduated from drinking milk to eating meat. Special Forces soldiers for Jesus recognize evil attacks from miles away, and they know how to react accordingly. These soldiers are the ones that are on the front lines daily. They help protect the ones that aren’t as strong in the Word as they are. They often go days without eating (fasting) and know that this is sometimes necessary for them to hear the Holy Spirit speaking directly to them. They are the sharpshooters, y’all. They often times know the enemies next move and already have the necessary ammo (the Word) to make Satan’s Army retreat every time. They are familiar with the enemy and his many weapons of mass destruction, because they have been in many spiritual battles with him, and they even have the scars t0 prove it, yet in spite of all of this their Faith still remains intact. These few soldiers are special indeed.

In the Army of Righteousness please know and realize that there will be deserters, and some soldiers will go AWOL, because the enemy is constantly scouting for weaklings and is always recruiting soldiers for his army. Be prepared for spies and traitors that come as allies in order to cause confusion in the base camp. Many have died and many more will die in this battle. In this Spiritual War please don’t take anything for granted. In this war you need to arm your self with all that is good and realize that Satan never fights fairly.

So my questions to you are; Are you prepared? Are you prayed up? Do you have your ammunition ready? For those of you who answered “No”, I pray that you open your eyes and see the truth before it is too late to join. For those of you who answered “Yes” then you are ready, and I say to you, my fellow soldiers, “MOUNT UP!" because Armageddon is right around the corner!

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all.

05 October 2006

A Few Good Friends

“If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar."

In my lifetime I have had a lot of people that came at me as a wolf in sheep’s clothing; although nowadays they are more like wolves with sheepskin coats because they don’t even bother to cover up their faces anymore. Please beware of these cunning creatures because they usually have ulterior motives to help get you off track and as far away from Jesus as they can.

If you have good friends in your life, then you are truly blessed. I have many associates in my life but only a few good friends. I am talking about friends that have been with me through thick and thin. They never stabbed me in my back, in fact they helped remove some of the knives that others had stabbed me with. I have friends that helped me when I was lying on my face. I mean friends that would literally put their fifty cents with my fifty cents, and we would split an M&M for lunch. One lesson that I learned while going through those hard times was that when you are down, a friend will help uplift you, but a foe will either disappear or stay around and kick you in the head to make you feel worse. A friend will help encourage you, they are happy for you, and most importantly, they pray for you. If any of you out there have true-blue friends out there, make sure that you tell them how much you appreciate them hanging in there while you went through the storms. I may not have a lot of them, but when it comes to true friends I'll take quality over quantity any day.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all

01 October 2006


How many of *y'all know someone that thinks that they know it all? I mean anytime you try to explain anything to them, they always cut you off with, “I Know! I heard you! or I already know...!” This person never lets you finish what you were trying to say. How many of *y'all are frustrated with this? How many of *y'all know that this person really doesn’t know it all? Because anyone that knows anything will tell you that the first lesson to knowledge is learning how to listen. A knowledgeable person knows when to speak and when to be quiet. The Lord gave us all two ears and one mouth for a reason. Could you imagine if we all had two mouths and one ear? There would be nothing but I-know-it-alls walking around everywhere, and no one would ever hear anything.
If you are one of those, I-know-it-all people then you need to shut your mouth, be quiet, zip your lips, and hush! Everyone knows that you don’t, in fact, know it all, because you don’t even know how to listen. If you are one of the ones who is trying to get through to a I-know-it-all person; please don’t argue with them. If you try to talk to them and they refuse to listen to you, then do what Jesus said for the disciples to do, "If you go to a town and they reject me, don’t welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet. (Mark 6:10-12).” In other words, if they don’t listen -STEP! Don’t stand there and beat them over the head with the WORD! The WORD is powerful enough. You don’t have to jump up and down or do back flips to get them to hear it. Anyway trust me, I’ve learned from past experiences that the Lord has his own eye-opening ways of getting I-Know-it-alls to listen to his every WORD.

Can anyone out there relate to this?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

28 September 2006


Did I see what I think I saw?

In the past two weeks, the news has reported on two different women who were accused of harming pregnant women and taking their babies. When I saw the pictures of these two accused women, I noticed that these two women had something very similar in common; they both had Black- Eyes (I am not talking about bruises *y'all.) For those of you that don’t know what Black Eyes are, let me break it down even more; I mean, the actual eyes- the irises and the pupil look one and the same, and the eyes have an overly-glazed appearance. When you see eyes like that -take heed, and know that he/she has an evil spirit(s) in them. If you still don’t understand, then the next time that you notice someone acting a fool or that is angry, etc., just look at their eyes. You will see exactly what I am talking about(unless you are one of the ones who happen to have black eyes too). Some people are good at hiding their Black-Eyes, but it can’t be hid forever. Black-Eyes have ways of making themselves known. You don’t have to walk around afraid of them because, “The Lord did not give us a spirit of fear,” but recognize them so that you know what you are dealing with. Please believe that, “The eyes are indeed windows to the soul.” What do your eyes say about you?
Some of you could avoid a lot of heartache and trauma if you studied someone’s eyes before letting them into your personal life. The Lord gives us discernment for a reason. Use it! Use it! Use It! The one good thing about Black-Eye-syndrome is that it is 100% curable. All you need to do is accept Jesus Christ wholeheartily and apply him to your daily lives . Choose to spread light instead of darkness. Have joy and help fill others with joyful things! If you are truly living by the Word your eyes will naturally brighten and when you look at others they will see the unconditional Love in them.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

23 September 2006

"Copy Cats"

Have you ever known someone that copies everything that someone else does? I mean they put the copy in “copycat.” They insist on living their lives through you. If you do something, they quickly turn around and do the same or almost the same thing. Isn’t that annoying? Don’t you sometimes feel like saying, “Stop biting me! Why are you all on my back? May I have my shadow back please?” They may even say things like; “You have it together, or I want to be like you.” But in reality if they only knew, what you have been through to get to where you are, they wouldn’t even want to put their lil’ baby toe in any of the shoes that you’ve walked in. You ever heard of the saying, “Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it?" I think that this is so true, because if you want something that someone else has, you need to be prepared to take on everything that comes along with it. Don’t envy others and their gifts. The Lord gives us all special talents and gifts. Use the ones that he gave you. Stop trying to be me -be you! We are all beautifully and wonderfully made and Jesus loves all of us.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

21 September 2006

"Just Say No!"

Deut 18:10
"There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer”

Do you know someone that is superstitious? I mean, you can’t do anything around them without them saying things like; “oo00h! that’s bad luck….” There are a lot of people who walk around in constant fear because they are superstitious. The definition of superstition is “A belief, practice or rite irrationally maintained by ignorance of the laws of nature or by faith in magic or chance.” I was surrounded by superstitious people almost all of my childhood. One of my childhood friends tried to get me to cut my hand and do a blood oath so that we would be blood sisters. I had another friend who wanted me to play with an Ouija board, so we could talk to her dead aunt. Thankfully, I had enough sense at that time, to not go there. The Bible says that witchcraft in any form is wrong; there is no getting around it. And for the record THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A GOOD WITCH!! The definition of witch is “a being imagined to have special powers derived from the devil.” When some of you think about witches you probably immediately think about the stereotypical image that the media gives you, which is an ugly old woman with bad skin, warts, dressed in black, and rides a broom. Well, this is not always the case. A witch doesn’t have to be ugly or disfigured; in fact they can be beautiful (on the outside that is). A witch can be anyone (male or female) who practices any form of witchcraft.

I used to know someone who was extremely superstitious. She had a horseshoe over her door for good luck, she burned candles for good luck, If I put my purse on the table she would scream “It’s bad luck to put a purse on the table!”, if I sat it on the floor she would yell,"It’s bad luck to put a purse on the floor!” As you probably can imagine, I was a nervous wreck around this person. If anyone did anything to any of her children, she insisted on getting their names so she could put a hex on them. It wasn’t surprising that she was sick all the time, but somehow it never registered to her that the reason why she was so ill was because she was serving the enemy. The sad part was that the stuff she was practicing was also a generational thing. Her mom also practiced witchcraft and her grandma was also known to have been a palm reader and a highly feared individual before she died. At times I felt pity for her because she really believed in all of that crazy stuff. She put a lot of time and effort into doing evil. Being around this person was one of the hardest tests for me, because she was very mean and hateful, because she couldn't convert me. I thank GOD everyday that he delivered me from that mess before those evil dark spirits consumed me.

Some people may dabble in witchcraft and not even know it; for instance, have you ever thrown salt over your shoulder when you spilt it? Have you ever carried items around in your pocket for good luck? Do you believe in horoscopes? Have you ever tried to control someone by using something that belonged to them? I am also guilty of doing many of these things, but now I know better.If you have partook in any of these things or more; you need to ask the Lord for forgiveness NOW, because all of those things are not of him. Even if you do a few of these things, you have still opened the door to the enemy. Why help Satan form the weapon to beat you down with it? Some of you need to realize that Satan tries to emulate GOD in many ways. He has his own army of demons out in the world to harass and fool you. He is always roaming around trying to get at you. For example; the Lord has prophets that he uses to spread his word.The devil has fortune tellers and palm readers, etc. to spread his madness.

If you want to be free of the enemy's strongholds, then please get rid of all of that confusion in your life and accept Jesus Christ. As soon as you purge yourself of all of that garbage ,you will be amazed at how great you look and feel. Those evil dark spirits will flee from you and you will then begin to walk in the light again.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

20 September 2006

Just Be Quiet

How many of *y'all don’t like to be alone? You always need someone or something around in order to make you happy. Do you need to play the radio or TV 24/7? Do you go everywhere with your cell phone, laptop, or PDAs.Can you drive five minutes up the road without turning on the radio? I purposely turn off my radio some times when my daughters are in the car with me so that they also learn how to enjoy quiet times. I realized that we all need some quiet alone time in order to get closer to the Lord. When we have all of those worldly distractions, it is hard to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to us and that is what the enemy wants. I have learned to cherish my alone times, because it strengthens my walk with Jesus. Our society has so many things that grab our attention and hold it hostage. Sadly many of us are addicted to the madness. Quiet time doesn’t mean you have to sit in a room and say “WOOSAH!” over and over. Try doing something that you enjoy; like reading a good book, praying, singing, or writing in a journal. Alone time helps keep you focused. It also creates balance in your life. If you are one of those people who are really needy, you need some alone time more so than others. If you are in a personal relationship with someone, seek out quiet times to help strengthen the relationship. It is good to be around people to fellowship with, but if you have to have them in order to function in everyday life, then you need to find out why. Quiet time helps to rejuvenate your spirit so you can get back out into the world and not be consumed by the madness.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all

19 September 2006

Super Who?

Man of Steel vs. Spirit of Steel

Many of you out there take care of your children, your health, your finances, your homes, your marriages, your pets, your cars,your career, and etc. You invest a lot of painstaking time in these various things. Can I ask you a question? How many of you are taking care of your Spirit? How many of you know that the same care that you apply to your health should also be applied to your Spirit? How many of you know that if you invest in your Spirit that you will receive ten-fold? How many of you know that you have to feed your Spirit with the Word? Many of you are walking around with anorexic Spirits and wondering why you can’t stand up to demonic attacks from the enemy. And many of you are the opposite,walking around with obese dark Spirits because you feed your spirit with plenty of negativity .Want a tip? Try using some of those same weight loss secrets to help you lose the negativity from your Spirit. Would you enter a championship fight if you weren’t in the proper condition? Could you run an Olympic race if you were in terrible shape? There is no way you would be prepared for any of these things without getting in the proper shape.

Everything that you apply in your daily life should also be applied to your Spiritual life. You have to nourish your Spirit with good wholesome things, so that when attacks come your way they will bounce off of you like you were made of teflon. Many of you probably heard of “Superman, The Man of Steel who was said to be faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…”) Well I know of something that puts Superman and all his mighty physical attributes to shame. I call him; “Spirit of Steel; Faster than any demonic force, more Powerful than Satan and his allies, able to pass all tests in a single bound, and ultimately able to get into heaven to be with the Son and the Father. Which one would you rather be?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

15 September 2006

The Gym of Heavy Burdens

Mat 6:12 "Forgive us the wrongs that we have done, as we forgive the wrongs others have done us."

How many of you are walking around with Herculean-sized arms of steel because you are carrying around the burden called Un-forgiveness? Well, speaking from a former Burden Lifter of the World’s perspective, I can relate. I used to refuse to forgive anyone, I kept a chip on my shoulders (notice I said shoulders). It was very hard to forgive anyone who mistreated me. In the past, every time I thought about what they did to me, I would have flashbacks, experiencing those same feelings that I felt when I was going through the madness. Trust me; I had my share of images of riding by, slicing their tires, keying their cars and their motorcycles. I imagined myself doing some ungodly things to them. As many of you know I did not belong to the Father at that time. He would never tell me to do things like that. But that was Cor 13:11when I was a child and spoke as a child, now I have grown and put away childish things.” I would never intentionally hurt someone today because they wronged me. I will continue to pray for them and hope that they learn better.

In order to move on and have total freedom from someone that did you wrong, you have to forgive. You are only hurting yourself if you don’t forgive them. You are walking around with a humongous burden on your shoulders. In order to forgive you must stay out of The Gym of Heavy Burdens and stop benchpressing hundreds of pounds of Un-forgiveness!

Don’t you want to be free? Don’t you want to move on? Don’t you want to release the control that the other person has over you? Don't you want to have normal-sized arms again?Believe it or not, it is as easy as saying these three words, “I forgive you.” After you do this, the burden that you had will no longer be on you. Don’t worry if they don’t apologize for what they did, because the burden is no longer over your head. Plus, I have learned that we indeed “reap what we sow” so we don’t have to do anything back to them.

I know that this is asking a lot of some of you; but how can you ask for forgiveness from Jesus when you can’t forgive those who wronged you?

Can anyone else relate to frequenting the Gym of Heavy Burdens?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

13 September 2006

The Winner’s Price

The other day while watching my kids play soccer I noticed that one of the kids was really competitive. He wanted to win so badly that be pushed and knocked the other kids down. This kid was Rocky Balboa with a soccer ball *y'all! You could almost hear "The Eye of the Tiger" playing in the background! This child wanted to win so badly that he didn’t care who he hurt in the process. Also standing on the sidelines was his mom loudly egging him on, “Thata boy junior show ‘em whose boss!” (!) *Y'all know my emotions nearly consumed me at that point, and I almost yelled for my kids to give Junior a taste of his own medicine-times two. But thankfully the Holy Spirit kept me from acting a fool, and I just prayed that lil Rocky didn’t knock out anymore children. I also prayed that his mom would open up her eyes and see the big picture. We as parents should be careful not to transfer an overly competitive spirit to our children. We should assure them that we are proud of them whether or not they win or lose.

The soccer episode made me think about the competitive spirit in each of us. A little competitiveness is okay and can be an excellent motivational tool. But just like too much of anything it can also be bad, in some cases –even dangerous. Overly competitive people will stomp on anyone or anything that gets in their way. They don’t care who they crush, because they are only consumed with winning.

When I was in the military someone that I used to be involved with (who shall remain nameless) used to compete with me on a lot of things. He wanted to get promoted before me so badly that he conveniently forgot to get my promotion packet signed; yet he ran his packet right in to the commander’s office and had the commander put his signature on his packet, and so he was able to submit his in on time. The result was my packet did not get signed on time, so I missed the cut-off score and did not get promoted. I was devastated because this person that claimed to love me hurt me because he didn’t want me to get promoted before him. When I confronted him, he had the nerve to get upset and said that he didn’t do anything wrong. He said that I was seeing things, when in fact anyone with eyes could see what he did; he stabbed me in my face! (Yes, I said face!), because his overly competitive spirit wouldn’t allow me to beat him at anything. I have since forgiven him and moved on, but it made me think about how the competitive spirit can ruin many relationships if it is not put in check. Some of you overly competitive folks out there need to ask your self, “At what cost am I willing to pay to win?” If the price is more than you can pay, and you still take out a loan to pay it, then you need to seek help.

Signs that you may be too competitive; If you lose, and get angry and can't wait to spread your darkness around to everyone -you may have a problem; if you will beat your own mama down to win something -you may have a problem; if you watch that show called ‘
"Fear Factor" and you say things like “I would have eaten 50 live roaches and a skunk’s tail to win"- you have a problem. If your leg has fallen off and you still keep running to make it to the finish line to win-you definitely have a problem. I know I am exaggerating a little, but I hope that I got my point across. Winning isn’t everything. Sometimes we are so preoccupied with winning that we can’t enjoy the ride.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

12 September 2006

Why Did I Start This Blog?

( piano music playing softly...)
I did not start this blog, because I think I know everything; I am learning everyday how to walk in the Word.

I did not start this blog, because I feel I like I have arrived; Trust me, the Lord is working on me daily.

I did not start this blog, because I want to get back at my enemies; honestly, I pray for all of them and hope that they find Jesus.

I did not start this blog to make you laugh everyday; although if you find humor in it, it is okay, because laughter is good for the soul.

I did not start this blog for you to praise me; just knowing that I am pleasing the Father is reward enough.

I did not start this blog to make you feel inadequate; because we all fall short.

I did not start this blog to slap you upside the head with my beliefs; I can’t change you, only Jesus can.

(piano music increasing...)
I started this blog because I enjoy writing. So why not write about my love for the Lord? There are enough blogs out there that praise the world and its worldly fixings; unfortunately this isn’t one of those. This blog focuses on spiritual transformation. I am a living, breathing, walking testimony *y'all, and if my testimony can help just one person and lead them to Christ, then this blog was well worth it!

Be Blessed *Y'all.

11 September 2006


Manmade vs. Real

How many of you know someone that likes to flaunt their title around? They are quick to correct you by saying, I am “(put title here).” They act as if they were born with their title. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments; but why do you act like you are your title? Even when I used to be in the military where titles were the norm, I never got caught up in this. I never changed who I was, because I put more weight on my collar. Yes, there is rank structure that you have to respect, and I did, but personally, I never looked at a person’s rank first. I looked at their eyes, because I believe that our eyes are windows to our souls.

Recently, I had a customer, who was always quick to tell everyone, “I am a retired Sergeant Major for the United States Army…” He used his title often to mistreat others. This used to crack me up! First of all, the key word was RETIRED. Second of all, why did he think that his title gave him permission to mistreat others? People like this need to go back to the basics and learn the golden rule; “treat others as you want to be treated.” Stop acting like your title is sewn on your chest! Stop boasting! Stop beating others down with your title!

Do you think that Jesus is going to look at you and say; “(put title here)" please come on in! Even though you mistreated others and stepped on a lot of toes to get that title, please have a seat!Forgive my manners! I should have known who you were.” (?) If some of you title chasers think that all you need is your title to get into heaven;I feel sorry for you, because you are fooling yourselves. Personally, I think that the first thing that many people probably think about (title) will be the last thing that the Father will look at. I don’t know about *yall, but the only real title that I want to be known by that surpasses all manmade titles is A CHILD OF GOD.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Yall

08 September 2006



How many of you know someone that is saved one day, then on their way to hell the next? They talk about how they found Jesus one day, and then cussing like the Devil the next. They are your friend today, but will stab you in the back tomorrow. They have literally given you whiplash from them going back and forth. I call them Fence- Hoppers. They are confused individuals, a part of them may want to change, but the enemy has a stronghold over them, so they can’t fully submit. They need to realize that nothing will work until they fully submit, and confess all their sins to the Father. When you are saved, of course there will be temptations, but when you are truly living for God, your actions will show it. This is not to say that you can’t or won’t backslide, because we all fall short, because no one is perfect. You have to confess it and ask for forgiveness. But if you continuosly backslide into the same things, and keep asking for forgiveness over and over, then you need to re-evaluate why you keep failing. You may have to stay away from certain people and things that you know will cause you to fall short. If you want to go higher spiritually, you will have to release your Deadweight. If you vow to stop drinking, then stay out of drinking establishments; if you want to stop lusting then stop going to the strip clubs, and if you want to stop gambling then stop driving past the casino. Some of you may say, “Well I just drive by so-and-so, but I don’t go in.” Why are you driving by it? Why are you tempting yourself? Sin is Sin! I don’t think that any one sin is greater than the other. For instance, some people think that it is okay for them to tell a lil’ white lie, when in fact, it is not okay. If you want to do God’s will ,then please get off the fence; stop thinking that it is okay to be lukewarm because in Revelations 16,17 Jesus says; "Because you are lukewarm -- neither hot nor cold -- I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked."
I won't add anything to this because his words are powerful enough and indeed cut like a double edged sword, but I think that many of you can relate when I do say, "Ouch!"

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

07 September 2006

Represent Your Hood

I don't think so.

One thing that really used to bug me while I was in the military was people that constantly glorified their city or state that they were originally from. They would brag about how their hometown was the best, and would even argue you down over their hood. I never understood this. Personally, I was glad to get away from my hometown, because there was nothing there, or should I say there was nothing there for me. While in the military, and stationed overseas I ran into numerous people who spoke highly of their hometowns. They even went out of their ways to find other people from the same hometown, so they could have hometown mouth battles with others from different areas. (“The Gump is the best, No the Bronx got it son.. Naw *y'all ain’t nothing without the ATL, etc…etc..”)

It is okay to be happy about where you come from, but many of the people bragging about their hometowns know good and darn well, they don’t want to go back, if it was so good; why did you run into the military? If it was so good; why did you reenlist -again? If it was so good; why when you go home on leave, after only three days you are ready to go? (Or maybe that’s just me, again). I can’t speak for others, but I know why I left. I could not continue to grow spiritually, if I had have stayed. Greenville would have swallowed me up and spit me out. When I go home to visit I am always astonished to see the same people that I knew still doing the same things; Pookie is still on the corner selling drugs although he is now older, balding, and overweight; Leon is still trying to set the world record to see how many baby mamas he can accumulate in a lifetime, and steady in and out of jail for not paying child support, Nikki is still wearing extra tight clothes, and trying to give her worn-out goodies away to any man (or woman) who will look her way; and Tina is still showing off the latest bling-bling that her new baller boyfriend got her for her Birfday, and still cussing out her dirty neglected kids for stepping on her Luis Vuitton sneakers. Then when any of them see me, the coversation usually goes something like this; “Let me have some of that money ‘cause you know *y'all gets paid in the military. When they goin send you over there with Saddam Hussein? Are you scared? Do y'all sleep outside? Can you get me a pair of them Army pants so I can rock them at the club cause you know Ima no limit soldier…..”

Like I said previously, this is what I had to endure when I went home on leave. Keep in mind that I am not judging anyone. All I am saying is that, I had to leave in order to grow. Some environments will stifle your growth, and those that are weak minded will succumb to it all. Just think of it this way; it is a lot easier for the enemy to get at you when you eat, sleep, and breathe in his environment.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

06 September 2006

Do You Know Love?

Why is it that when you try to love some people, they push you away? I mean you would do almost anything for them, but during the relationship they treated you like you weren’t anything special. They never complimented you,they ignored you, and they pointed out all your faults. They said things like, “I can’t compliment you too much, because you might get a bighead.” (?) It seemed that their life got better, but yours got worse. Even their friends and family members benefited from him or her knowing you. They all used you when it was convenient for them. Their actions made it crystal clear that they aren’t really concerned about you. Yet, you continue to stay stuck to them like glue. If they told you to jump you would be on the ceiling fan talking about, “Is this high enough? I can go higher!” Yet he/she was still not satisfied with you.

Then when you finally wake up and fall out of love with them and really could care less about them; here they come trying to do those same things that you used to do for them. Now they want to be stuck to you like glue, they now compliment you, and they now want to jump through hoops for you. They stay steady putting on a show for your benefit, but fail to realize that you are not even in the audience anymore, and even if you were, you would probably yell out, “Boooo! Get off the stage!” Why don’t you care about them anymore? Because you are fed up, done, tired, and through. I mean you don’t want anything bad to happen to them, but you really could care less about what they feel about you. A small part of you may feel sorry for them, because they had genuine love in the palm of their hands, but they balled it up like a piece of tissue, threw it away, and stepped on it. It’s like they finally realized that what they thought was a cubic zirconium was really a beautiful diamond, and now all of a sudden they want it back. Selfishly, they think that since they finally woke up, things will now be all good. Sadly, life doesn’t play out like it does in the movies. You can’t play with someone’s feelings and think that they will always be there, especially when you have mistreated them.

I came to the conclusion that some people can’t give or receive love. They are hurting badly from something or someone that hurt them, so they just continue the Hurt People, Hurt Other People Cycle. I thank God that I still know how to love, and have not let my loveless past dictate my future. Do you want to know love? Find Jesus; and I guarantee you that you will know Love, because you can’t know him without it.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all

05 September 2006

Humble Beginnings

Big Head

While watching a certain awards show the other day, a thought entered my mind. Why do many artists start out humble when they begin? When they win an award, the first one that they thank is God, or some of them are even bold enough to say, "Thank You Jesus!" Of course my issue doesn’t lie with these few individuals. One thing that I did notice was that the more popular artists hardly ever said thank you for what the Lord had done for them. Okay, someone did say “I wanna send a shout out to my Homie G!” ( I am still a lil' shaken over that one.)I personally think that more time and effort should go into thanking the Father for all that he has done for them. Yes, their producer Smoky Pete, composer Warren P, and director Mackey Mack may have assisted them in their career, but the one that made it all happen hardly gets an honorable mention.

Artist or stars usually begin humbly, but after they blow up, they never mention God. Instead, they begin to love the world and all of the worldly fixings. Prime example: Mariah Carey, I used to admire her because she was humble, nicely dressed, and could sang. Now when you see her she is arrogant, has all her goodies exposed, and she never thanks the Lord for anything. She looks like a lost soul. To further confirm what I thought, I looked at all of her cd covers that I have, and looked at who she acknowledged in the credits. In her first few albums she dedicated paragraphs to praising the Lord; then on her later albums, when she was more popular, she hardly ever mentions him in a sentence. This seems to be a trend for stars, they start out so humble, and then they get beside themselves and forget who made it possible for them to be where they are. I know it seems that I am harping on one artist, but Mariah is a prime example of fame gone wrong. In my opinion the girl has a gift and should be using it to praise the Lord. So the question for today is; Why do some people get the big head when they become successful? That success may be excellent while they are here on this earth, they have everything that they could possibly want and need, but for some reason they begin to think that they no longer need Jesus. When in actuality he is all that we need.
This is my opinion, but I don’t think that MC BIGHEAD, and MISS All About ME-ME will be listed in the Book of Life. I don’t know about *yall, but the worst thing that I can think of is standing before the Father, and him looking at me and saying “I NEVER KNEW YOU.”

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

01 September 2006


The other day while getting out of the car to go into the grocery store with my daughters; we were jacked! I’m not talking about battery *y'all, so please don’t call 911. I am talking about, our ears were assaulted by someone blasting their music in their car, the song of choice was entitled, “I’m In Love with a Stripper.” As my girls and I proceeded into the store, I began to focus my thoughts on other things in the store. By the time I had rounded aisle seven, one of my daughters began singing, “I’m in love with a stripper……”
I immediately stopped in my tracks and told her to please not sing that song anymore, because it was not an appropriate song for her to sing. Then I began to think about how music gets into our spirits subconsciously, because by the time I was at the checkout counter I was humming the song myself. Then I began to think about all those people who say that they listen to derogatory music, but they don’t hear the words. They only listen to the beat. I don't know, maybe they have some super special kind of ears, (?) but I personally think that, it is nearly impossible, because you are fooling yourself if you say you can’t hear the words. (I’ll only believe that if you are listening to a song in another language that you don’t understand.) I have nothing against people listening to whatever they want to, but why must innocent bystanders be attacked by what you like? I have some great inspirational music that I like to listen to, but I don’t blast it loudly so that everyone outside can hear it. First of all it is dangerous to our ears, and secondly, I think that it is an invasion of privacy.

Now if you ride in my car with me, more than likely you will hear some form of uplifting music, and you have one of these choices: listen to what I play, listen to me run my mouth, listen to the twins ask you “Why?” a hundred times on various topics, or listen to air. Before a lot of you call me judgmental, I would like to add that, I listen to all kinds of music, but it has to represent things that GOD himself would smile upon. And I don’t think he would smile upon songs like "I'm in love with a stripper….” I don’t discriminate against artists, but I do discriminate what some of their music represents, and if it represents the dark side then it gets no play in my car.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

31 August 2006


Today is nothing but happy thoughts *y'all!

I am happy that I have Joy.
I am happy that I have peace.
I am happy that I woke up this morning.
I am happy that I am not where I was.
I am happy that I still know how to love.
I am happy that I can receive love
I am happy that I am not bitter.
I am happy that I know the difference between right and wrong.
I am happy that I have true friends
I am happy that I am a friend.
I am happy that I have discernment.
I am happy that I toned my mouth down.
I am happy that I keep my words soft and sweet.
I am happy if I have to eat them.
I am happy that I had twins.
I am happy that they look like me.
I am happy that I can laugh.
I am happy that I can see humor in all things.
I am happy that I have my health.
I am happy that I have traveled.
I am happy that I am educated.
I am happy that I can give.
I am happy that I can receive.
I am happy to know that you reap what you sow.
I am happy to know that there is someone who loves me despite my scrapes and bruises that I picked up along the way in this basic training called life.
I am happy that I know Jesus.

Be Blessed *Y'all.

30 August 2006

Dead Weight

Let That Anchor Go!

Many of you are dealing with some things that you need to just get rid of! One of my favorite movies had a quote in it that really spoke to my soul; “Some of you are trying to hold on to something that GOD himself is trying to break up.” I thought that statement was so profound. I began to wonder about what was holding me down, making me sink to the bottom of the ocean, and trying to drown me. Some of you have lightweight anchors that don’t stop your daily progress, but some of you are carrying some gigantic anchors that would make the Heavyweight Lifter of the World blush. Some examples of deadweights are; Family members that use you up like toilet paper-let that anchor go; Personal relationships in which you give 95% while they give 5% -let that anchor go! Friends that you encourage daily, yet they can never find anything comforting to say to you when you need it-let that anchor go! That job that you have been stuck at for years, giving your all, only to watch those less qualified than you, move pass you- let that anchor go! Life is heavy enough without you adding deadweights to it! Trust me, once you finally cut that anchor loose you will begin to float to the promised land that the Lord has in store for you.

Can any one out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

29 August 2006

Vision of Lust

How To Kick The Habit

Have you ever dated someone that you knew in your spirit wasn’t right for you? You knew that this person really didn’t care for you, yet you couldn’t leave them alone? It was like an addiction, and you literally felt sick if you didn’t get a fix? It seemed like you fought all the time, except when you were being intimate with them? It seemed like the relationship centered only on the physical? I too can admit to being caught up *y'all, just fooling myself to make myself believe that that person loved only me. I finally woke up, and realized that the reason why I couldn’t let that person go was, because their spirit was intertwined with my spirit. I even vowed to myself previously, and many times before that I was going to finally leave them alone, but not even a day later I was steady blowing up their cell phone and text messaging them with 911. In situations like this your mind may be set to leave them alone, but all they have to do is call you and say, I want you or even better I Love you, and you are on the first thing smoking over to their place. Yet, you felt so lonely and empty on the inside afterwards. Intertwining of the spirits is a powerful thing, and it can be very deceptive. Our "bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit", so we should be overly cautious about who we let into our spirits. It is much easier to kick the habit after you cut out the physical, pretty soon that person will have no effect on you. If you are trying to leave someone alone that you know is not good for you; don’t answer their phone calls, put their pictures away, stop playing *y'alls special song, and avoid being around that person if possible (Why tempt yourself?). I found that if you do this for a period of time, that pretty soon Mr. or Miss Fiyan! will start looking like “Mr. or Miss EWW! because the blinders that your heart had over your eyes will now be removed, and you will be able to see their true spirit. It may even surprise some of you to know that you were “sleeping with the enemy” all along. Keep in mind that this is not an overnight process, but if you are persistent you will see results. Finally, the mere sight of this person will cause you to get sick to your stomach (or maybe that was just me).
For all of you that have gotten over a lust addiction; Congratulations! you have finally kicked the habit and realized that your “Vision of Love” was merely a “Vision Of Lust.”

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

27 August 2006

Something Just Ain’t Right

If It Looks Like A Snake……

Have you ever met someone and just got a bad feeling that something wasn’t quite right about them, and then later on you found out that the feeling you had was legit? You probably even said to yourself afterwards; I knew something wasn’t right! Usually, you found out after that person had done something terrible to you. But before in the back of your mind you wondered; Why don’t they have any other friends? Why do they play the victim all the time? Why isn’t anything ever their fault? Why do they always try to keep you laughing to keep your thoughts on other things? Why do they look at you with eyes that could cut steel? Why do they gossip so much? Perhaps even when you attempted to look them in their eyes, they turned away so that you couldn’t see the scabs covering them. This has happened to me several times, but I refuse to let it happen again. From now on when the Holy Spirit tells me that someone is not right, I will step. However,I will remain polite, and continue to pray for them, but I will not allow that person into my private life, because they are battling some dark spirits that I want no parts of. Light and dark can not mix *y'all. What I am talking about is not being judgmental, but using discernment, (looking at their fruit). Often times we brush off what the Holy Spirit is telling us because we don’t want to be labeled as judgmental. The next time the Holy Spirit tells me that I should take heed when someone approaches me that has ulterior motives, I will stop, look, and listen. I don't know about *y'all but a snake doesn’t have to bite me in order for me to know it is a snake.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

25 August 2006

The Word Is Real -Everyone Who Quotes It Isn't.


Why do some people take a Bible verse and quote it only when it is convenient for them? I had a relative who used to do this a lot. She would say things like “The Bible says “eye for an eye,” that means if someone messes with me (of course her language was more colorful) that means I can cut them!” Or she would say “Women ain’t supposed to cut their hair or they will go to hell!” I could go on and on about my Bible-Misquoting-Aunt but I don’t want to go too far because she takes that “eye for an eye” verse seriously. My aunt and others like her made me wonder; Why do some people quote Bible verses only when it is convenient for them? They know only bits and pieces of the Bible and aren’t ashamed to broadcast it. More than likely they have never read an entire chapter of the Bible, yet they will use every opportunity to slap you upside the head with what they do know! I have no problem with people quoting Bible verses, but I do have a problem with you leaving things out and adding your own special slang to it. If you are going to quote Bible scripture to others, please make sure that you 1.) Own a Bible 2.)Don’t have a beer in your hand 3.) Don’t use profanity 4.) Don’t keep saying “Ya know what I’m saying!” with a cigarette hanging from the corner of your mouth. Maybe I’m just extra sensitive, but I feel that the Word is true, and should never be tampered with. If you don’t know the Bible, then please don’t act as if you do because people will know something’s up when you say things like, “Whatchamacallit parted the Red Sea, and karate chopped that big ‘ole rock in two.” (LOL Aunty!). Some people need to learn these three lil’ words; “I don’t know.” Trust me, if you add this to your vocabulary people will respect you more.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

24 August 2006

Back Track

The Moonwalk vs. The Running Man.

I used to hear about how when a person becomes saved that a lot of people that they previously hung around with would eventually disappear. Maybe I just didn’t pay attention, or maybe I thought that my friends would be there forever. I was wrong again, *y'all. One former friend who shall remain nameless made me feel as though I thought that I was better than her because I was saved, and that I quoted scriptures to her. She accused me of judging her, although this was not true at all, because if I had have judged this person on the things that she was doing at the time years ago I would have never ever befriended her (she had some issues *y'all) so obviously that dog didn’t hunt. The most difficult thing about this was that I had known this person for years. If someone would have told me years ago that this person would no longer be in my life anymore I would have called them an outright liar (amongst other things), because I thought this person was a true friend. I even pondered that maybe I was acting like I was better since I was saved. Well I spent a lot of moments in prayer over this issue. I even considered Moon Walking back into my old ways just a little so that she would still like me. Then it hit me like a brick, that is what the enemy wanted me to do, he is a master of manipulation. If you give him an inch, he will indeed become your ruler. I immediately called him a liar and put him back under my feet. If he conned the first woman into eating that apple,then what made me think I was exempt?
I finally came to the conclusion that a true friend will be happy for you and want you to soar higher, and a surface friend will want you to hang around in the shallow end of the pool with them. One of the hardest things that I had to do was to let that person go. When I finally did let her go, a lot of my blessings began to flow. That is when I realized that there are some people who will block (I call them Bless -Blockers) what God has in store for us because we can’t see past them. We want to please them when in actuality we should be pleasing GOD. If your friend wants you to do anything that takes you out of GOD’s will, then they are anything but a friend.

Warnings that someone may not be a true friend; if your friend says you should crawl before you walk, while they are running, if your friend constantly compares the things that you do to what they do, if your friend always talks about the bad things from your past, if your friend talks negatively behind your back to others, and if your friend tells everyone that they are the reason that you are saved because they bought you the bible (which was untrue). If you have someone like that hanging around you, you need to do the Running Man into a more positive direction because GOD is taking you places.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

22 August 2006

Gold Tooth Magnet

Don’t Smile For Me Daddy.

Yes, we live in America where we can do almost anything, but that doesn’t mean we should do everything. When I lived in AL, I was constantly approached by guys with Gold teeth in their mouths. I never understood the popularity of this trend. Hey to each his own, but don’t get mad at me if I politely decline your advances, because I don’t want to get metal poisoning.
One time a while back, I was approached by a guy who said “Yo shawty, what’s yo name is, are those yo real eyes." and then he smiled and I was blinded by his smile, not because his teeth were pearly white *y'all, but because he had gold teeth that filled his whole mouth. Maybe it is just me, but I am one of the rare individuals that think that gold belongs on things like necklaces, rings, etc. -just not in the mouth. So instead of being rude and saying "My name is Pepper spray." I politely said “Hi, my name is Felicia. What is your name?” Then he started stuttering, because from past experiences, correct English and politeness seemed to have the same effect on men with gold teeth that Raid had on roaches. “Oh you a educated red bone I probably ain’t yo type-my bad, you probably think you too good for me anyway.” I then looked, or at least tried to look him in his eyes, but the glare from the sun on his teeth prevented me from doing that. I looked at him and said “You want to know what my type is? I like a man who loves the lord, who loves himself, I like white teeth, and I don’t like to see your underwear if I don’t know you.” He angrily got back in his car that had the superman logo painted on the hood, and proceeded to drive off while blasting a derogatory song that called women out of their names. I had numerous other similar incidents like this and usually the reaction was the same. That’s when I begin to ask the question; “Am I a gold tooth magnet?” Do I look like I need some bling in my life? If so then could someone please tell me on how to get rid of it?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

Not Wise -Just Old

Today is a short one *y'all. What finally prompted me to write about this now, is that one day while watching the news there was a story on about an 82 year old woman skydiving out of an airplane. When she landed and everyone rushed over to pick up her fragile body, the reporter began to talk about how wise this woman was. Immediately, I thought what wisdom had to do with jumping from a perfectly good aircraft. She could have been hurt or killed. I guess society no longer understands what true wisdom means. For example; Would the three Wisemen that visited baby Jesus years ago have ever jumped out of an airplane –NO! Why? Because it is senseless and benefits no one! Before I continue, let me clarify that I am not bashing the elderly. I respect all people. So I decided to compile a list of things that do not qualify you as wise. Before I begin, let me give the proper definition of wisdom: The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting.

Things that do not make you wise:
1. Age
2. Grey Hair
3. Wrinkles
4. Arthritis
5. Dentures
6. Starting sentences with “I used to change your diapers….”
7. Jumping from a plane

Does anyone out there understand this, or is it just me?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

21 August 2006

Don’t Judge a Book..........

But He Looked Like A Christian.

One day after doing my nine hours at work I went outside to get in my minivan to go home. I was extra tired that day because I had worked hard *y'all. I got in my van and drove off, well before I could get out of the parking lot good, I noticed a man yelling in my direction. I rolled my window down and said “May I help you?” He said “You have a flat tire.” Surprised I said “Really? I didn’t notice.” He said “You didn’t feel one side of the van leaning?” I said “No.” So I got out of the van and looked at the tire. It was flatter than a pancake.I couldn’t believe that I hadn't noticed. I then said “Oh no!” Well he then said “I got something in my car that will help you out.” He went over to his car which was a big beige Lincoln Navigator with all of the fixings. I really wasn’t paying attention to his car, I was looking at the fish symbol on the back of it, and the cross hanging from the mirror. I immediately thought this is a Christian man. Thank you Lord for sending me help. Well as I was waiting and thanking this man in my mind he came back over to my van and said “Uh, are you going to get someone to help you out with that?” I thought to myself You just said that you had something to help me out in your car. Also, while I was thinking this, I noticed that he had an ornament on his necklace shaped in the form of a cross. Well two things immediately came to mind 1) this man has severe amnesia and forgets everything that he says within five minutes of eachother,or 2) he wanted to help but he remembered that he had on some nice slacks and shirt and didn’t want to get his hands dirty. 3) he didn’t feel that he would benefit any from helping me out. Well I looked him in his eyes and said “Yes, I think I can find someone to help, thank you for your help.” In my mind I was thinking Thank you for pointing out the problem. He got back in his SUV and sped off with his Gospel music blasting.
Afterwards, I sat there in the parking lot for about five minutes and thought What do I do Lord? I have to pick the girls up from daycare before 6:00 and it was 5:30. Well before I sat there and a had a pity party, I got out of my car and ran back upstairs to my office and noticed one of the guys in my office at his computer. I said “Can someone please help me change a flat tire? I have to go get my girls before six. He immediately said “Okay.” He and another co-worker who had just came in, also followed me outside and removed the flat tire and put on the spare tire. As they were changing my tire I was thinking about how they got themselves dirty (because the tire was dirty) on my behalf. I never would have thought they would have helped me. When they finished, they told me to go get the tire sealed because it was still usable. I thanked them many times and got in my van and went to get my kids. I also went and got the tire patched up.
My mind was going a hundred miles an hour thinking about how the guy with the fish on his car, cross on his mirror, and the cross on his neck would not help me but he pointed out the problem. This made me think about all the many outward Christianity signs people advertise on them or their cars. In that moment I realized that many of them really do, do it just for ‘show.” They wanted to look the part. Because if that guy with the fish on his car knew what the fish meant he would have helped me or anyone else that needed it ,because Jesus tells us to help each other and not expect anything in return.
Well, anyway I went to a local store and personally selected two Thank You cards for the two guys who had helped me out and sat them on their desk Monday morning. One of them after reading the card asked me what it for was. I looked at him and said “For helping me out the other day.” He looked a lil’shocked and said “It was really no problem.” Well when he left my desk I immediately thought, “There was a problem because I judged a book by its cover, because if someone would have asked me to pick the one that you least expected to help you when you needed them I would have sadly chosen him, because he didn’t look the part. This was truly a wake up call for me. From now on I will do my best to not judge others based on outside appearances. I will look at their Spirits because on Judgment day, that is what the Lord will judge us on.

Be Blessed *Y'all.

18 August 2006

The Moment That I Knew I had changed.

Jalopy vs. Minivan

It was around 6:00 pm on a Wednesday night back in January. I got off work, picked up my girls, and went to the grocery store. When I got home and pulled up to my apartmen to try and get into my garage, I saw a burgundy Oldsmobile parked in front of my neighbors and my garage area. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have noticed except I couldn’t get my big minivan (why they call them minivans is beyond me) into my garage. I needed to swing wide to maneuver it into my garage (which I learned the hard way one day by scraping up one side of the van and denting the garage door when I miscalculated the size of the van and the garage). Anyway, while attempting to maneuver this van numerous times with no success, I noticed my neighbor’s door open and a woman came out of the apartment, immediately I thought, Great she is going to be courteous and move her car. Well I was wrong because the woman just stood there with a phone on one ear and a cigarette in one hand and stared at me in a confrontational way. I know this person sees me trying to get this van into my garage is what I thought. Now the old Felicia would have jumped out my van, removed the cigarette, put it out on her forehead and said something really offensive. I was really tempted *y'all, especially when she blew smoke rings in my direction and smiled sarcastically.
Instead good prevailed, and I took the high road and pulled up next to her and said “Excuse me Ma’m could you please move your vehicle so that I can get into my garage, because I always have a hard time driving this big ‘ole van into my space.” She looked at me and said, “Oh I’m sorry! Is my car in your way? Oh, I didn’t know!” It took nearly all of my good spirituality not to say, “ Heifer you know your jalopy is in my way and you don’t even live out here!” But I took the high road again, smiled, and politely said, “Thank You, Ma’m.” As she got into her car and moved it, I immediately thought to myself I have changed Lord because any other time I would have moved her car out of the way with my van and dared her to say something. We would have been two unsaved individuals fighting over a parking space and ultimately going to jail or worse. It would have been hard trying to explain to my kids why mommy is in jail because she got mad and couldn’t control herself, when I always tell them to be nice and not to fight over small stuff.

I am ultimate proof that anyone can change for the better if they accept the Lord whole heartedly into their lives.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

17 August 2006

Tongue Massacre

RIP MC Slice 'Em Up

I used be armed with a deadly weapon. I would take it out whenever I felt threatened. Sometimes it was concealed, but if anyone did anything to make me mad... BANG! I would pull it out with the quickness. Sometimes I would tease people like they do in those shoot 'em up movies, where they kind of patted their holsters in a menacing way. I even battled others who thought they had a bigger and better weapon, but mine was always quicker.This weapon injured a lot of people some innocent, some not. I had no remorse. I was a cold-blooded murderer. My family used to call me MC Slice 'Em up! I was proud. Then one day I looked at myself in the mirror after I had just committed my latest assault with a deadly weapon. I was alarmed by what I saw. My face was red, my body was trembling, and I was breathing like I had been fighting Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield. I was possessed by evil. I hit the mirror in frustration and didn't even feel the broken glass that shredded my bloody knuckles. I needed help *y'all, because this evil spirit was consuming me. I called out to the Lord and he answered my prayers. I asked him to please take this weapon away from me before I mutilated another human being. He comforted me and said, "I am not going to take it away from you, but I will turn what was used for bad and turn it into something good." It may surprise many of you to know that I still have that weapon today, only I don't use it as a weapon, oh don't get me wrong I will use it to shut Satan down when he comes a-knocking, but no more will I slay my innocent brothers and sisters. My tongue is now the most valuable asset that I own.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.