08 September 2006



How many of you know someone that is saved one day, then on their way to hell the next? They talk about how they found Jesus one day, and then cussing like the Devil the next. They are your friend today, but will stab you in the back tomorrow. They have literally given you whiplash from them going back and forth. I call them Fence- Hoppers. They are confused individuals, a part of them may want to change, but the enemy has a stronghold over them, so they can’t fully submit. They need to realize that nothing will work until they fully submit, and confess all their sins to the Father. When you are saved, of course there will be temptations, but when you are truly living for God, your actions will show it. This is not to say that you can’t or won’t backslide, because we all fall short, because no one is perfect. You have to confess it and ask for forgiveness. But if you continuosly backslide into the same things, and keep asking for forgiveness over and over, then you need to re-evaluate why you keep failing. You may have to stay away from certain people and things that you know will cause you to fall short. If you want to go higher spiritually, you will have to release your Deadweight. If you vow to stop drinking, then stay out of drinking establishments; if you want to stop lusting then stop going to the strip clubs, and if you want to stop gambling then stop driving past the casino. Some of you may say, “Well I just drive by so-and-so, but I don’t go in.” Why are you driving by it? Why are you tempting yourself? Sin is Sin! I don’t think that any one sin is greater than the other. For instance, some people think that it is okay for them to tell a lil’ white lie, when in fact, it is not okay. If you want to do God’s will ,then please get off the fence; stop thinking that it is okay to be lukewarm because in Revelations 16,17 Jesus says; "Because you are lukewarm -- neither hot nor cold -- I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked."
I won't add anything to this because his words are powerful enough and indeed cut like a double edged sword, but I think that many of you can relate when I do say, "Ouch!"

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

1 comment:

Felicia said...


Thank you. You are on it! I am so thankful that the blinders that the enemy had over my eyes have been removed.I can see nothing but Jesus and he is beautiful!

Your Spiritual Sister,