Mat 6:12 "Forgive us the wrongs that we have done, as we forgive the wrongs others have done us."
How many of you are walking around with Herculean-sized arms of steel because you are carrying around the burden called Un-forgiveness? Well, speaking from a former Burden Lifter of the World’s perspective, I can relate. I used to refuse to forgive anyone, I kept a chip on my shoulders (notice I said shoulders). It was very hard to forgive anyone who mistreated me. In the past, every time I thought about what they did to me, I would have flashbacks, experiencing those same feelings that I felt when I was going through the madness. Trust me; I had my share of images of riding by, slicing their tires, keying their cars and their motorcycles. I imagined myself doing some ungodly things to them. As many of you know I did not belong to the Father at that time. He would never tell me to do things like that. But that was Cor 13:11“when I was a child and spoke as a child, now I have grown and put away childish things.” I would never intentionally hurt someone today because they wronged me. I will continue to pray for them and hope that they learn better.
In order to move on and have total freedom from someone that did you wrong, you have to forgive. You are only hurting yourself if you don’t forgive them. You are walking around with a humongous burden on your shoulders. In order to forgive you must stay out of The Gym of Heavy Burdens and stop benchpressing hundreds of pounds of Un-forgiveness!
Don’t you want to be free? Don’t you want to move on? Don’t you want to release the control that the other person has over you? Don't you want to have normal-sized arms again?Believe it or not, it is as easy as saying these three words, “I forgive you.” After you do this, the burden that you had will no longer be on you. Don’t worry if they don’t apologize for what they did, because the burden is no longer over your head. Plus, I have learned that we indeed “reap what we sow” so we don’t have to do anything back to them.
I know that this is asking a lot of some of you; but how can you ask for forgiveness from Jesus when you can’t forgive those who wronged you?
Can anyone else relate to frequenting the Gym of Heavy Burdens?
Be Blessed *Y'all.
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