31 January 2007

Track Star

Isaiah 26:7 “The path of the righteous is level. O Upright One, you make the road of the righteous smooth.”

Have you ever known someone that accused you of something that you would never do? I mean this person would make up a scenario in their twisted minds and then start to actually believe the lie themselves. Well I have had this happen to me before, and it was shocking that this person that I knew (or thought I knew) would believe anything even close to what they accused. One thing that I have realized is that some people can so easily accuse you of some things because they are really speaking on things that they would do if the tables were turned. One thing that I learned was to never underestimate the enemy and his tricks. He never plays fair. He wants to kill you physically, mentally, and most of all spiritually. So he will use anyone to get at you –why? Because he knows that you love the Lord and he wants to destroy that. He doesn’t care about the ones that are already living foul, (he already has them). He wants you, and what better way to get you off track than to use someone that you thought was in your corner. He thinks that since you love them you will listen to their nonsense and get off track, but if you love them more than Jesus then yes you will surely fall, but if you love Jesus more than anything then you will slap those demons back into their pits of hell, (and when I say slap I mean slap ‘em with the Word). So for all of my fellow trackmates, let’s stay on course, catch our breaths, and keep going because the finish line is right up ahead.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all.

25 January 2007


Eph: 6:10 “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.”

I am tired of people taking my kindness for weakness.
I am tired of the world telling me I need a man to complete me.
I am tired of wolves in sheep clothing stepping to me.
I am tired of people who try and test my love for the Lord
I am tired of the enemy coming at me as if I can’t see his horns.
I am tired of people who take everything but give nothing
I am tired of people who quote Bible scriptures but aren’t’ living one word of it.
I am tired of people who think that I am too young to know God.
I am tired of people trying to give me their rotten fruit and expect me to eat it.
I am tired of people trying to push my history buttons.
I am tired of people that think they know it all and have arrived.
I am tired but grateful that Jesus gives me the strength to endure it all.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all

16 January 2007


1 Corinthians 13:4-5, " Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;"

How many of *y'all have been helped by someone who afterwards went around telling everyone what they did for you? These helpers had hidden agendas from the beginning, and that agenda was to try and belittle you. I try to help anyone who needs it, but I don't tell anyone about it, because I don't do it for recognition. I did it because it was the right thing to do, and I don’t expect anything in return. We all have been or will be put in a position to help others. I don’t know about *y’all but I enjoy the feeling that I get inside from helping others. I am pretty sure that was how Jesus felt when he was helping and healing numerous people. He never told them to “Let ‘em know Jesus did this for you, or Tell ‘em Jesus hooked you up!” in fact he told them the opposite- to not tell anyone because it wasn’t about self-promotion. If you want to help others, then help them, but please don’t turn around and brag about it, because I think others can relate when I say,"I'll pass on your kind of help, because I prefer not to be used in your campaign of self-righteous self promotion."

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all.

04 January 2007

Jesus Freak

"freak- A thing or occurrence that is markedly unusual or irregular."

This is a topic that some of you may know about or may have dealt with personally since becoming a child of God. Ever since I became saved and accepted Jesus Christ into my life, I have had to deal with negativity from many. I have been talked about behind my back. Some say that I just want some attention. Some hope that, I’ll go back to my old destructive ways soon. I know that I have naysayer’s calling me a Jesus freak, but you know what? I have been a freak in the club, a freak for fake friends and a freak to several men. So why not become a freak for Jesus? Why not give all my time to someone who has saved me from death? Why not become a freak for eternal love? Why not become a freak for someone who gave his life for me? I have wasted plenty of time and energy on many things in this world that didn’t reciprocate, so why not become a Jesus Freak?

Is there anyone else out there that can relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all.