26 December 2006

Life Lessons 2006

As I think about the New Year that is only days away from making its grand entrance, I can’t help but think about some of the key things that I learned this year;

I learned that my biggest gift used to be my biggest curse.

I learned that some people are indeed seasonal, and it doesn’t matter if the season was a long or a short one. When it is time for them to go you have to let them.

I learned how to look at a person’s spirit.

I learned so much about Faith, and how it will move mountains if you truly believe and have no doubt.

I learned that spreading the Word makes me feel good inside.

I learned that forgiveness is hard to do, but necessary if you want to have peace.

I learned that you should not say that you love someone if you don’t mean it.

I learned how to thank the Father for all things great and small.

I learned that demonic spirits are on this earth and they come in many forms.

I learned that I have been blessed with many gifts and as long as I use them to help others, they will become stronger.

I learned to be content with what I have now and not worry about what I don’t have.

I learned to give and not expect anything in return.

I learned how to pray for my enemies even when my flesh wasn’t a willing participant.

I learned that I really do enjoy helping others.

I learned that you can lead people to the Word but you can’t make them live it.

I learned that man will let you down, but Jesus never fails.

Is there anyone else out there who learned a valuable lesson(s) this year?

Be Blessed *Y’all.

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