06 December 2006

Speed Demons

Two steps forward -ten steps back.

How many of *y’all know someone that is always trying to get the hook up? I mean they always want to do things the easy way. They never want to do things the true way. They don’t want to work for anything, but these same people will spend day and night finding a way to get around doing things the correct way. They would rather rush through and get instant results. I know people who think that by doing this that they will become successful. When in reality those two steps forward always end up with them taking ten steps back. Why not take your time, pray about it, and wait on the Lord to tell you when to make a move? Anxiousness is not of the Lord. If you ever feel anxious pray it off of you, because that is the enemy in your ear trying to get you to move without listening to the Holy Spirit. If you are someone who is always trying to get ahead the wrong way, then you need to slow down, because all of those quick speedy steps will only get you that much closer to hell.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all


Anonymous said...

I know sometimes I myself will be in a hurry to speed forward in any subject whether its life, career, or college. I say to myself all the time that I need to stop being so anxious or stop trying to do things the easy way. Great post.


Felicia said...


Always remember that anxiousness is not of the Lord. Often times we need to just be still and wait on the Lord to tell us when to make a move. We have no right to blame him when we don't listen to his instructions.

Your Faith is growing and it is a beautiful thing!