30 August 2006

Dead Weight

Let That Anchor Go!

Many of you are dealing with some things that you need to just get rid of! One of my favorite movies had a quote in it that really spoke to my soul; “Some of you are trying to hold on to something that GOD himself is trying to break up.” I thought that statement was so profound. I began to wonder about what was holding me down, making me sink to the bottom of the ocean, and trying to drown me. Some of you have lightweight anchors that don’t stop your daily progress, but some of you are carrying some gigantic anchors that would make the Heavyweight Lifter of the World blush. Some examples of deadweights are; Family members that use you up like toilet paper-let that anchor go; Personal relationships in which you give 95% while they give 5% -let that anchor go! Friends that you encourage daily, yet they can never find anything comforting to say to you when you need it-let that anchor go! That job that you have been stuck at for years, giving your all, only to watch those less qualified than you, move pass you- let that anchor go! Life is heavy enough without you adding deadweights to it! Trust me, once you finally cut that anchor loose you will begin to float to the promised land that the Lord has in store for you.

Can any one out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes I recently broke away from a relationship that was weighing me down and kept me from lifting up to my spiritual path, thanks to some great friends and family. Now, I have met someone who truelly is for real a friend or more I don't know but her company sure makes my day.
