23 September 2006

"Copy Cats"

Have you ever known someone that copies everything that someone else does? I mean they put the copy in “copycat.” They insist on living their lives through you. If you do something, they quickly turn around and do the same or almost the same thing. Isn’t that annoying? Don’t you sometimes feel like saying, “Stop biting me! Why are you all on my back? May I have my shadow back please?” They may even say things like; “You have it together, or I want to be like you.” But in reality if they only knew, what you have been through to get to where you are, they wouldn’t even want to put their lil’ baby toe in any of the shoes that you’ve walked in. You ever heard of the saying, “Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it?" I think that this is so true, because if you want something that someone else has, you need to be prepared to take on everything that comes along with it. Don’t envy others and their gifts. The Lord gives us all special talents and gifts. Use the ones that he gave you. Stop trying to be me -be you! We are all beautifully and wonderfully made and Jesus loves all of us.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

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