17 April 2007

Dance Partners

2 Corinthians 6:14 ~"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?"~

Have you ever danced with someone that wouldn’t let you go once the music had stopped? I mean they continued to hold on to you tightly even though you wanted them to let you go. They were stuck to you like super-duper glue, but all you could think of was, “let me go!” In fact the more you tried to pull away from them the harder they held you.
These incidents made me think about something; how many of *y’all know that when you dance with the devil you will get hurt every time? Once you dance with him, he will always try to keep his stronghold on you so that you don’t get the opportunity to dance with Jesus. Examples of dancing with the devil are falling for someone from your past that you know is living in utter darkness. I know many people who have fallen for this trap, including myself, because we want them to change so badly that we fall for the charming smiles and sweet words. We can’t see the forked tongue because we are too blinded by its charm. No matter how pleasing a person looks to the eyes, you have to always look at the person’s spirit. Use discernment at all times! Stop giving into your fleshly desires; it will get you killed out here. The devil isn’t playing *y’all, he wants you and he will use any and every trick to bring you into his kingdom. So if you keep on sticking your lil’ baby toe into his world he will snatch you up into his kingdom so fast it will make your head spin. So the best thing to do is to stay away from the dark side, because light and dark should never, ever mix.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all.

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