15 March 2007

Study and Pass the Test

2 Tim. 2:15~"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth."~

Real- “Genuine; not counterfeit, artificial, or imitation; authentic."

Fake- “Designed to deceive or cheat; not real; counterfeit.”

I have been asked several times how to know if someone’s teachings are real or fake. Each time my answer is always the same. If the person says that they believe in Jesus Christ then their actions, lifestyle, speech, etc will show this. In other words their life will emulate Christ and Christian things. If you have questions about whether someone’s teachings are real or fake then you need to pick up the Bible and read and meditate on the Word for yourself. This sounds simple doesn’t it? Well in some of my life experiences I have found people who claim to know the Lord, they go to church, participate in church activities, etc., but they sometimes become overly dependent on others to give them the Word, instead of reading it themselves. Don’t get me wrong, it is good to have someone minister the Word to us, because we all need reinforcements in our spiritual journey. But please don’t get so comfortable in what someone else tells you, that you don’t even pick up the Bible anymore. How can you recognize someone that does this? For instance, if they seem to always start their sentences with “(So-&-So) says….. The (So-&-So) always says…. etc.” What I am saying is that we have to be very careful about uplifting man and giving him/her God’s glory. Sure (So-&-So) may have held your hand on parts of your spiritual journey, but please don’t forget to do your own research and listen to the Holy Spirit yourself. If the Lord truly has something for you, then he will tell you and not always use a middleman.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all.


Anonymous said...

You pretty much hit it on the button. How do you know what is fake or what is real. In america we deal with money. The way that they can tell the difference between real currency and counterfeit is that they only study the oringianal or the real thing so that when a counterfeit shows up they can spot it. They don't study all of the fakes b/c it is too many out there and you can get confused. So in a nutshell study Jesus the real thing. Now keep in my mind that we do have flaws but it is a heart thing.

God Bless

Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!