Deut 18:10
"There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer” Do you know someone that is superstitious? I mean, you can’t do anything around them without them saying things like; “oo00h! that’s bad luck….” There are a lot of people who walk around in constant fear because they are superstitious. The definition of superstition is “
A belief, practice or rite irrationally maintained by ignorance of the laws of nature or by faith in magic or chance.” I was surrounded by superstitious people almost all of my childhood. One of my childhood friends tried to get me to cut my hand and do a blood oath so that we would be
blood sisters. I had another friend who wanted me to play with an Ouija board, so we could
talk to her dead aunt. Thankfully, I had enough sense at that time, to not go there. The Bible says that witchcraft in any form is wrong; there is no getting around it. And for the record
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A GOOD WITCH!! The definition of witch is
“a being imagined to have special powers derived from the devil.” When some of you think about witches you probably immediately think about the stereotypical image that the media gives you, which is an ugly old woman with bad skin, warts, dressed in black, and rides a broom. Well, this is not always the case. A witch doesn’t have to be ugly or disfigured; in fact they
can be beautiful (
on the outside that is).
A witch can be anyone (male or female) who practices any form of witchcraft.
I used to know someone who was extremely superstitious.
She had a horseshoe over her door for good luck, she burned candles for good luck, If I put my purse on the table she would scream “It’s bad luck to put a purse on the table!”, if I sat it on the floor she would yell,"It’s bad luck to put a purse on the floor!” As you probably can imagine, I was a nervous wreck around this person. If anyone did anything to any of her children, she insisted on getting their names so she could put a hex on them. It wasn’t surprising that she was sick all the time, but somehow it never registered to her that the reason why she was so ill was because she was serving the enemy. The sad part was that the stuff she was practicing was also a generational thing. Her mom also practiced witchcraft and her grandma was also known to have been a palm reader and a highly feared individual before she died. At times I felt pity for her because she really
believed in all of that crazy stuff. She put a lot of time
and effort into doing evil. Being around this person was one of the hardest tests for me, because she was very mean and hateful, because she couldn't convert me. I thank
GOD everyday that he delivered me from that mess before those evil dark spirits consumed me.
Some people may dabble in witchcraft and not even know it; for instance, have you ever thrown salt over your shoulder when you spilt it? Have you ever carried items around in your pocket for good luck? Do you believe in horoscopes? Have you ever tried to control someone by using something that belonged to them? I am also guilty of doing many of these things, but now
I know better.If you have partook in any of these things or more; you need to ask the Lord for forgiveness
NOW, because all of those things are not of him. Even if you do a few of these things, you have still opened the door to the enemy.
Why help Satan form the weapon to beat you down with it? Some of you need to realize that Satan tries to emulate GOD
in many ways. He has his own army of demons out in the world to harass and fool you. He is always roaming around trying to get at you. For example; the Lord has prophets that he uses to spread his word.The devil has fortune tellers and palm readers, etc. to spread his madness.
If you want to be free of the enemy's strongholds, then
please get rid of all of that confusion in your life and accept
Jesus Christ. As soon as you purge yourself of all of that garbage ,you will be amazed at how great you look and feel.
Those evil dark spirits will flee from you and you will then begin to walk in the light again.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y'all.