Man of Steel vs. Spirit of Steel
Many of you out there take care of your children, your health, your finances, your homes, your marriages, your pets, your cars,your career, and etc. You invest a lot of painstaking time in these various things. Can I ask you a question? How many of you are taking care of your Spirit? How many of you know that the same care that you apply to your health should also be applied to your Spirit? How many of you know that if you invest in your Spirit that you will receive ten-fold? How many of you know that you have to feed your Spirit with the Word? Many of you are walking around with anorexic Spirits and wondering why you can’t stand up to demonic attacks from the enemy. And many of you are the opposite,walking around with obese dark Spirits because you feed your spirit with plenty of negativity .Want a tip? Try using some of those same weight loss secrets to help you lose the negativity from your Spirit. Would you enter a championship fight if you weren’t in the proper condition? Could you run an Olympic race if you were in terrible shape? There is no way you would be prepared for any of these things without getting in the proper shape.
Everything that you apply in your daily life should also be applied to your Spiritual life. You have to nourish your Spirit with good wholesome things, so that when attacks come your way they will bounce off of you like you were made of teflon. Many of you probably heard of “Superman, The Man of Steel who was said to be faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…”) Well I know of something that puts Superman and all his mighty physical attributes to shame. I call him; “Spirit of Steel; Faster than any demonic force, more Powerful than Satan and his allies, able to pass all tests in a single bound, and ultimately able to get into heaven to be with the Son and the Father. Which one would you rather be?
Be Blessed *Y'all.
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