06 December 2010

Got Peace?

Isaiah 26: 12 ~”Lord, You will ordain peace (God's favor and blessings, both temporal and spiritual) for us, for You have also wrought in us and for us all our works.”~

Ephesians 6: 23 ~”Peace be to the brethren, and love joined with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” ~

Matthew 5: 9 ~”Blessed are the makers and maintainers of peace, for they shall be called the sons of God!

Hey *Y’all! I pray that this message finds you in good spirits, and I pray that *y’all celebrate the true meaning of our Father Jesus Christ’s birth and not get caught up in the selfishness and commercialism that the author of confusion likes to keep going around this time of year to get you to lose focus. It’s been awhile since I wrote a message in this blog, but as I've stated in previous entries I want to be led by the Holy Spirit when I write because I want my words to help elevate God’s Kingdom and not myself. With that being said I want to talk about something we all have had to deal with in one form or another -Holding our peace. So many horrendous things are going on in this world today, mainly because people are refusing to hold their peace, society seems to be getting chaotic by the second, and those claiming to have peace in actuality have taken their peace and beaten others upside the heads with it!

Let me tell you something about the peace that I have found in Jesus! Peace has stopped me from cursing out that person who cut me off in traffic, Peace has stopped me from getting angry when someone is all up in my space cursing me to hell and back, Peace has kept me calm when I didn’t know where my next meal or job was coming from, Peace has kept me from snapping and giving my mind over to the enemy because he was egging me on to just ‘give up’, Peace has kept me from losing my cool about past hurts when the culprit(s) was sometimes standing right in front of me as though nothing ever happened. Peace (Jesus) has truly kept me!

I say all of this to let you know that we will ALL endure hard times, and we will ALL have our share of suffering while here on this earth, but if you throw your peace out the window every time the circumstances don’t line up with what you think or want to happen then you need to really evaluate your relationship with Christ. Who is He to you? Is He someone to call on only when you are in trouble? Well I’ll tell you what he means to me. He is my LOVE, my JOY, and my PEACE. When I look at my reflection in the mirror I see Him. My pain of past hurts, and heartaches no longer distort my view. I don’t know about *y’all but even though the world tends to follow in the footsteps of the chaotic one, I will continue to follow in the footsteps of the Ultimate Peace Maker!

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all!


Sheniqua said...

Nice blog... Topic was right on time!

Felicia said...

Thank you.:)