25 September 2012
Close the Door!
16 April 2012
Messengers From God
Luke 9:5 ~“And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.”~
Hey *Y’all! I hope everyone is living life to their full potential and spreading the good news that Jesus Saves! Today’s topic is about messengers from God. How many of *y’all know that if God wants to get a message across to you that he can use anyone or anything? It doesn’t have to be someone who is a minister, etc. from a church, etc. When God is trying to get our attention He will use who He wants to use. However, I know too many people who are so judgmental about certain people that they will reject the message, because of who the message came from. How many of *y’all know that when you do this you may be blocking your blessing or breakthrough, because you couldn’t see past the messenger? This doesn’t mean that everyone who comes up to you and says that they have a message from God is genuine – you definitely have to use discernment when dealing with spiritual matters. However, if you are praying and studying the Word then you will be prepared and know whether the messenger is giving you a true message from God. It will always line up with His Word! And yes there are some messages that are harsh and our flesh doesn’t want to receive them, but if it applies to you then deal with it! Please get over yourselves and learn how to hear from God and stop trying to keep him in a box, because He doesn’t move how we think He should move. This is something I had to learn early on in my Christian walk. I’ve been blessed countless times by people I least expected, because I was able to look past their outer appearance and receive the message. I challenge *y’all to get rid of preconceived notions of what a messenger from God should look like, instead allow the Holy Spirit to show you that blessings come in many forms.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all!?
21 February 2012
Return To Sender
2 Corinthians 10-11 ~”Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive. For if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ, 11 lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.”~
Hosea 4:6 ~”My people perish from a lack of knowledge.”~
Matthew 12:36 ~ “But I say unto you,That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.”~
Luke 6:45 ~ “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.”~
Hey *Y’all! I would like to say God Bless, and I pray this message speaks to someone out there today. How many of *Y’all know that when someone says something to you that is not true, that you can refuse to receive it and or return it to sender? What I mean is that there are a lot of people in the world who intentionally/ignorantly say things to you and try to get you to accept it on the sly. For instance, I had someone erroneously say to me “I heard you were under the weather sorry to hear that…” I had to correct her and say “ No , M’am I was not under the weather, I am healthy.” And as soon as I said it to her she said, “ All of these people are sick and under the weather and they look better than me…” So I corrected her again and said, “ No M’am, I was not under the weather, I am fine.” Another individual did something similar, recently by looking me up and down and saying, “Oooh! Look at you Diva!” So I had to correct again and say, “No M’am, I’m not a Diva, that’s a demon.” One thing as Children of God is that we need to make sure we read and learn the Word and stay educated on various terminology, and pray so that we can recognize when things said that are not of God are casually thrown at us. I realize that there are a lot of people out there that are ignorant to many of the enemy’s devices. Many people unknowingly use words that they have no idea what they mean. For example here are a few that are casually and ignorantly thrown around:
Diva – A goddess (demon) believed to have fallen from the sky to dwell with the people of a certain area.
Idol – An object, being, creature, or place worshipped, trusted and relied on as a god.
“Happy as Hell” - Hell is not a happy place; it is fiery, the place of the doomed, the cursed of God which was prepared as a place for the devil and his angels.
“Holy (profanity!)” – This is wrong on so many levels, there isn’t anything Holy about the profane.
Curse (words) - A term used for expletives, vulgar words to cast spells and overall a call of evil upon a person, action, or thing. The aim is to destroy, defile, or desecrate the sacred and holy. The slang version ‘Cuss’ refers to profanity that originally started out with the same objectives in mind.
Before I got saved I used to often spew curse words, because it was in my heart, and I didn’t understand the effects or the power of words. But now I know better, so I make an effort to speak life-giving words and keep them in my heart at all times, because remember “out of the heart the mouth speaks”. We need to make sure we watch every word we say, because we will give an account of every idle word on judgment day. Society has made it the norm to talk any kind of way and make it acceptable for you to receive it. I’m here to tell you that as Christians, we do not have to receive anything that is thrown at us. Refuse to receive any ole’ thing in your life! Return it back to the sender in the name of Jesus!
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
01 February 2012
Psalm 118:24 ~“This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”~
Matthew 7:5 ~“Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.”~
Luke 9:23 ~ “And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”~
Psalm 66:10 ~“For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried.”~
Revelations ~” I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.”
Hey *Y’all! I pray everyone is truly blessed in this New Year. Today’s topic is something that has been on my spirit, and I just can’t shake it. How many of *y’all hear people who claim to be saved say, “I’m saved But….” “I know Jesus But….." “I love but……” first of all the word But is not of God, when God speaks there is a Period at the end! We tend to add the Buts to make us feel better about the mess we are in! You should say "I’m saved. I know Jesus. I love." There are so many people hiding behind the Buts of this world. If you are saved you should be winning –not losing people to Christ. I know that we will have some not so great days, because we live in a chaotic world. Nevertheless ,this should still not be an excuse to stick a But into your love walk. Don’t you realize that others are watching you? Don’t you realize that the way you handle your so called bad day could make or break someone who is seeking God? For instance, if they hear you saying you are saved etc., and then see you cursing and acting a plum fool because of a bad day, they may decide to forego Jesus and stay and live like the world, because they feel that they want no parts of a hypocritical church. This is a serious issue! Souls are being lost because of hypocrites! Like I said previously, I know every day is not going to go our way; we are going to be uncomfortable, because this is not our permanent home! However, we still need to understand that being a Christian and Child of God is a 24 hour 7 Day a week job. We are to constantly be on our job and constantly trying to win others to Jesus. If we approach our job as slack, mean spirited, nonchalant Women/Men of God -it just ruins our witness. Please don’t let a “bad” day be an excuse for you to act like a fool, be either hot or cold, because He sees and knows all, and we will ALL give an account of our lives on Judgment day.
Please read my special prayer for you, “Father God in the name of Jesus I bind any evil spirits that have tried to hinder my love walk. I cast all my cares on you, please help me to walk, and talk as you do. You are my living perfect example past, present, and forever! Lord help me to gladly take up my cross daily to follow you. Lord fill me with your Word when I am in an uncomfortable situation, Lord help me to see myself, help me to remove the plank from my own eye instead of constantly trying to pick the speck out of my brothers eye! Lord use me to be a living, walking, breathing testimony so that others will be blessed after being in my presence. Blessed because they see your light shining in me! Lord help me to see that there are no bad days when I reside in you, help me remember that “all things work for the good of those who love You and, who have been called according to Your purpose.” Lord help me see that all trials and persecutions are purifying me for Your Kingdom! Lord help me to always be a building block and not a stumbling block so that I can add to (not take away) from your Blessed Kingdom! Lord where I am weak You are Strong! Lord please help me to magnify you at all times –Amen."
Can Anyone Out There Relate?
Be Blessed *Y'all!