28 March 2011
Power In The Blood
02 March 2011
What Do You See?
Ezekiel ~"Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people."~
Psalm 51:10 ~ “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”~
Matthew 7:1 ~”Judge not, that ye be not judged.”~
2 Corinthians 5:17 ~“Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things are passed away; behold, new things have come."~
Hey *Y’all! I pray that this message speaks to someone out there today. The message is something that has been on my heart and spirit lately –truly looking at others with Jesus –filled eyes. Awhile back I was at a local office and I was waiting to be seen, and while I was sitting there a stranger began talking to me, so I turned around to look at him, and what I saw before me was a man who was physically not all that pleasing to the eyes, he was elderly, disheveled, and disfigured but while he was talking to me I could feel the presence of God in the room. This man was so kind, and he even reassured me that I was in the right place to be seen.He was filled with the light of God. I was so touched by this man that when he left the room I literally wondered if anyone else could see him too. After talking with him I began to think about that scripture in Hebrew 13:2 “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.” This really got me thinking about how many of us look at other people on a daily basis. How many of us really look at our brothers and sisters with the love of Jesus? How many of us too quickly judge people by how they look, the clothes they wear, the car they drive, etc., etc.? I will raise my hands to these, because I am guilty of this offense too. The world (satan) has many ways to make others feel inferior or not as good as some based on many superficial things. Please don’t get me wrong, there isn't anything wrong with taking care of yourselves, looking nice, and having nice things but if the nice looks and nice things are all you have to offer , you may want to really evaluate your heart and see what’s really there. You can be the most beautiful being on the outside, but if your heart is evil ,and you constantly spew out evil things then your actions say that you belong to the evil one. Fortunately, there is someone (Jesus!) who can give you a true beauty makeover. He can make you over from the inside out. Your entire mind, body, and soul can literally be transformed. You can be a new creature (if you want it.)
I recently prayed for the Lord to make me over and work more on my heart and the things that aren’t right in me verses always looking at my brother or sister’s imperfections. I prayed for him to guide my every word and action and help me bear good fruit for others to eat. Sadly, many are too quick to see the bad things in others verses seeing the good in them; they are too quick to write someone off as worthless. I pray that all of *y’all reading this blog begin to really look at each other with the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. Truly, take the worldly glasses off and open your Jesus- filled eyes and begin to see people’s true hearts and spirits, if their hearts are hard -love them anyway, (even if it means loving them from a distance) but also pray for them -instead of judging them. You never know you just may be the one to help melt their icy cold hearts. I know this is not an easy task but instead of asking “What would Jesus do?” start being proactive and start Doing what Jesus would do.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all!