Proverbs 16:23 ~” A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction.”~
Luke 6:45 ~“The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.”~
Proverbs 4:23 ~ “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”~
Psalm 19:14 ~”May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.~”
Matthew 12:36 ~”But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.
Thank you for reading and I hope this blog continues to bless *y’all as it does me. Today’s topic is about one of my all time favorites - choosing our words wisely. Recently, I was speaking with someone who erroneously stated that “God knows our hearts, our mouths may say some bad things but it doesn’t mean anything because God knows our hearts….”. Well before I knew it I had said the Bible states that, “Out of the mouth the heart speaks.” Unfortunately, this person and a lot of other people are inaccurate in their thinking on this subject. Yes, God truly knows our hearts, and he knows that we will make mistakes and sometimes not say the right things at the right times, but we are also supposed to repent and try to get better and as Christians we should be showing steady progress in our walk in many ways. If you only speak negative and hurtful things then what does that say about your heart? If the only thing you give is rotten fruit then what does that say about you -the tree? I'm not trying to beat anyone up because "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of god,"Romans 3:23.
We just need to remember that whatever our mouth says good or bad -it was in our hearts. Let’s be careful with this, because our mouths can get us into a lot of trouble if we don’t guard it closely. For instance, how many of *y’all have ever said something quickly and then immediately regretted it? Or said some hurtful things out of anger? Well I will raise my hand on these, because this is something that God is constantly working on me about. Our mouths truly have the power to speak life or death, so please choose your words wisely. If you keep saying you aren’t going to make it then you won’t make it! if you keep saying that you’re sick then you will be sick! If you keep saying that you hate such and such…. " then your words will make sure that your situation doesn't ever change. I know we all have bad days where life seems to beat us up, but don’t make the situation worst by speaking death upon it. Always speak life, because it helps us defeat the enemy! Instead of saying “I can’t! -say I CAN! instead of saying I won’t! -say I WILL! Instead of saying I hate, -say I LOVE! And watch how your situation begins to change and your blessings begin to flow. If you are having issues in this department then pray to Jesus to help you get better, because he answers our prayers. Trust me when I tell you that I am a walking, living proof that he can help us control our tongues so that we can uplift and encourage others.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.