1 John 3:17 ~ “But whoso hath the world's goods, and beholdeth his brother in need, and shutteth up his compassion from him, how doth the love of God abide in him?”~
Have you ever been sitting in a meeting and couldn’t focus because you were hungry or in pain? I mean you couldn’t focus on the message or the messenger, because you were preoccupied with your short-term suffering. This made me think about how some people recruit others for the Kingdom. Some recruiters only focus on getting numbers for the Kingdom, but never take the time to really look at their recruits. Have you ever seen anyone trying to recruit someone for God’s Kingdom, but the person that they were trying to recruit was hungry, homeless, or dirty? When in reality the suffering person only wanted to get something in their belly, get a hot shower, or get some sort of shelter to reside in. Please don’t misunderstand me, there isn’t anything wrong with trying to recruit for the Kingdom, but we should first focus on meeting their basic needs so that they can then focus on Jesus’ message. In fact if you help meet their basic needs, they will probably be more prone to listen to your message about Jesus and how he changed your life. They may be more apt to join the Kingdom because they see that you are living for him because you helped alleviate their short-term sufferings. You will be more powerful to the Kingdom if you meet their basic needs before you try and help heal their spirits. Spiritual healing has several processes that begin with showing love and compassion to your brothers and sisters. No one ever said that the recruiter's job was easy,but won't it be worthwhile it to see all the people that you recruited in heaven one day?
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y'all.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y'all.