23 October 2008

“The Show Must Go On!”

~Proverbs 22: 24~Make no friendships with a man given to anger, and with a wrathful man do not associate.

Proverbs 27: 6~ “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are lavish and deceitful.

~Psalm 84: 11 ~ “For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield; the Lord bestows grace and favor and glory. No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.”

How many of *y’all have noticed that in your walk with God that there now seems to be more negative people surrounding you? It probably bothers you because some of the people spewing negativity are your friends or relatives. I read an email awhile back that said that everyone can’t be in your front row. At first I didn’t really understand the ramifications of that statement, but after I prayed for knowledge in this area God revealed it to me. Everyone can not be in your front row. There will be people that will have to sit in the back or unfortunately can’t even be at your show. This doesn’t mean that you don’t show these individuals unconditional love, but this means that as you grow higher spiritually there will be people who for whatever reason will not understand it, and they will hate on you or make you feel guilty for the blessings that God bestows on your life. Don’t feel guilty because God does show favor to his children, and what many of the haters don’t realize is that they are looking at the end result and not thinking about the footsteps it took for you to get to where you are today. I can only speak for myself, but it took a lot of discipline and a many of nights of falling down, before I was broken down into my lowest form so that Jesus could begin building me back up into the creature he wanted me to be. So to my sisters and brothers living in the light please don‘t get discouraged on your path with God, because there will always be some people who won’t be as joyful as you are when you make spiritual gains in the Kingdom. The unfortunate fact is you can not invite everyone to your show to be in the front row, because they will tear up your show and cause chaos and confusion. You should just continue to pray for these individuals, pray that they see the light and realize that God can do the same thing for them if they would only have faith in him.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all.

07 October 2008

Forgive ­YOU!

Psalm 51: 2 ~ "Wash me thoroughly [and repeatedly] from my iniquity and guilt and cleanse me and make me wholly pure from my sin!"

How many of *y’all have read where the scriptures tells us to forgive others that hurt us, etc.? How many of *y’all know that you also need to apply this really important step to yourself? You need to learn how to forgive yourselves as well as others. I have seen so many people holding on to issues that cause several addictions, health problems, and resentment. This is because they refuse to forgive themselves.
When we do things to hurt others we often times feel guilty, but when we hold on to this guilt it opens up the door to the enemy and his massive collection of lies. (Remember he thrives off of our misery and pain). One thing you need to realize is that the energy it takes to harbor anger, hatred, and resentment towards yourself is exhaustive. Every bit of energy you give to negative activities and dwelling on regrets, robs you of the energy you need to become the person God wants you to be. If you do not forgive yourself of past sins, it is a form of pride, because when we apply a different set of rules and a higher set of standards for ourselves over others -that is a source of pride. I would never name anyone by name in this blog, but I do know several people battling alcohol and drug addictions because they can’t forgive themselves even when the person(s) that they hurt has forgiven them, moved on with their lives, or in some cases even passed away.
Bottom line is we cannot change the past; we cannot restore lives to where they were before the event. However, we can make a difference in the lives of others. We can give back some of what we have taken away by finding a different place to invest our time and compassion. Forgive yourself and let the healing begin. How you ask? Easy! by giving it all to Jesus!

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y’all!