I’m a wanted woman *y’all, in fact I may be on this organizations ten most wanted list, and I’m not talking about the FBI, *y'all. I mean that I am wanted by the kingdom of darkness because I gave my life whole heartedly to Jesus Christ. Once I did that I became a target, and the enemy has been constantly shooting his many weapons of mass destruction right at me, but thankfully they have not been able to penetrate my full body armor (the word of God). Though I must be honest, there have been incidences where the enemy’s bullets of deceit have knocked me down, but still my bullet-proof armor remained intact. Those unfortunate times were because I believed the enemies lies and began doubting what God had promised me, but once I recovered I came back fully recharged with some ammo of my own (the word, faith, and love). You have to stay prayed up in this spiritual battle otherwise you will lose focus and began to believe the negativity that the enemy spews into your life. We have to be on guard at all times, watching what we say and do, because all the enemy needs is a door and most of the time, we open that door with the words that we speak and the actions that we do. One thing that I know is that the enemy may want me, but the truth of the matter is that I have already been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.