09 July 2007

Do You See What I See?

~ Eph 6:12 NIV ~For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

One thing that I have learned during this Christian walk is how to pull back. By pulling back, I mean that I can’t expect everyone to see everything that I see in the spiritual realm. For example, you wouldn’t expect a newly saved person to go around preaching, laying hands on the sick, or casting out demons. Why? Because they are not strong enough in the word yet; they are still drinking milk. As a Christian you need to know your strengths and weakness in certain areas, because if you are not strong enough to cast out demons from a possessed person, and you try to, you could get yourself really hurt. We have to let our spirit man grow daily and wait until the Holy Spirit tells us to move. One thing that used to get to me was when trying to explain something in the spiritual realm that I see to someone one who couldn’t see and they brushed me off as being superstitious . I think people are quick to label things that they don’t understand as superstitious or scary when they don’t understand the spiritual realm. First of all superstition is straight from the pits of hell, and the enemy loves to keep this fear going. Second of all, I denounced all of that madness when I became saved.
Also another time while trying to explain something to someone that just didn’t seem to get it, the Holy Spirit told me to pull back, because they can’t see what you see right now. The Holy Spirit told me to never force anything on babes in Christ, because you could possibly turn them away altogether, and that is the last thing that I want to do. As Christians just realize that there are different levels of spirituality, and please don’t get upset if someone can’t see everything that you see right now. Just continue to pray, develop spiritually, and pray that others continue to mature so that they too, can see everything.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed * Y’all.

03 July 2007

Share the Light

~ 1 Corinthians 13~Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a child of God. And everyone who loves the Father loves his children, too. We know we love God's children if we love God and obey his commandments.

The other day while out shopping at the mall, while looking at various clothing items I noticed something. Almost all of the clothing had some form of skulls, wicked pictures, or gothic writings on them. One of my daughters picked up a pair of sneakers from the shelf that at first glance appeared to have hearts all over them, but when I looked closer I noticed that there were skulls also imbedded in the hearts. I’d pick up a beautiful shirt that had roses on it only to discover that there were skulls and wicked things written subtly on them. Thinking that maybe it was the store that I was in, I went to several others to look. It was the same for many of the other items. Then it suddenly hit me- the enemy is getting bolder and craftier in these times. I don’t know about *y’all but skulls and crossbones have never meant anything but death to me. When I see them I don’t get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. The enemy is subtly making unsuspecting people worship him, from the clothing they wear, to the music they listen to. For example there is a popular catchy song out right now entitled, “Party like a rock star,” and I watched the video and in it there were numerous people throwing up the hand sign that showed that they loved and worshipped the enemy. I immediately said a prayer for the ones who probably had no idea what they were doing.
It is sad to see so many lost people living in utter darkness, but even sadder is the many people who are living in the light who don’t seem to be concerned anymore. They do just enough to say that they are Christians, but when it comes to actually helping save others, they quickly turn the other cheek. No one said that being a Christian was easy or that we wouldn’t have problems anymore. When we gave our lives to Jesus Christ we made a promise to love and help others. So with that being said; how many people have you taken by the hand and led into the light?

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.