Have you ever said something to someone, and then they got upset with you? Did they get irate and say that what you said did not apply to them? Did they call you a liar? If so then you were bit by a hit dog. In my lifetime, I have found that the saying, “A hit dog will holler,” is really true, because if someone said something about you that were not true- you wouldn’t be offended. You wouldn’t think anything else about it. But if what they said about you applied to you, then your feelings are hurt, and you lash out. You know why you reacted like this? Because sometimes the truth hurts no matter how soft it is given to you. For example, in my past people used to say I talked too much, I would go ballistic on them trying to prove to them that I did not have a big mouth, when in fact I just proved them right by barking like a Big dog. I wrote this topic today to say that if you have said something to someone to try and really help them see themselves and they got upset with you, don’t worry about it. Because in the back of their minds they know that what you said was actually true. If they are really your friend, then they will eventually come back later, and thank you for being bold enough to tell them the truth.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.