31 October 2007
Stomp On Evil
Ephesians 5:11 ~”Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”~
Luke 10:19 ~”Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you."~
This one will be a short one that gets straight to the point. Christians should not celebrate Halloween, not even a little bit, Halloween is evil, and its entire makeup is built on darkness. Don’t participate in watered down versions of Halloween, just don’t celebrate it in any form. We are living in a time where school systems won’t let our children pray in school, but they can come dressed up as demons. We are in a spiritual war *y’all and we have to keep our guards up against Satan and his kingdom of darkness at all times. We have to stomp on evil and not allow it to consume us or our loved ones. We need to pray for people to be delivered and that their spiritual eyes are opened to see the real light. We need to pray that they repent and accept Jesus Christ into their hearts before it’s too late. We need to celebrate life not death!
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
27 September 2007
The Best Gift To Give and Receive
1 Timothy 2:8 ~ “I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.”~
Matthew 5:44 ~ “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you”~
How many of *y’all like giving gifts to others? I like to give to others, because I love to see people happy. I love seeing their faces light up when they open their gifts. But out of all of the gifts that I have given the most important one is giving the gift of prayer. Praying for others not only blesses the people you pray for, but also blesses you. The next time you are wondering around the mall thinking about what you can give to really make someone’s day, just pray to the Father on their behalf and watch the blessings begin to flow. This not only works for people that you like, but also for those that you don’t get along with. In fact you should even pray for your enemies, (trust me ,I know this is a hard one for many of us to do). For all you know, that person may be going through some difficult times and is more than likely suffering from some past hurt, and they just took their frustration out on you. So instead of keeping the hurt-people-hurt-other-people cycle going. Why not sow and reap blessings by praying and forgiving them? I don’t know about *y’all, but no matter how badly someone has hurt me, I don’t want to see anyone go to hell. Prayer is powerful and it definitely works, but it only works if done with sincerity, faith, and love.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
23 August 2007
Blessed vs. Lucky
I wanted to share another part of my ever growing testimony to show believers and non-believers that Jesus is real, and that he always takes care of his children.
The other day while driving home, I was involved in a car accident. It had been steady raining that day; so I slowed down because I knew I couldn’t compete with the heavy rain drops beating against my car. Well while going about 30 mph my car began to slide across the road, and out of habit I put my foot on the brakes to try and stop, but the car only picked up more speed. I started praying, " Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!" over and over while my daughters screamed in the back seat. I gripped the steering wheel tightly to prepare myself for the impact. The car drove off the road and into a ditch that was completely flooded. I was in shock at this point. Afterwards, a stranger tapped on my window, and I slowly turned and looked at him, but I couldn’t hear him, but his lips were asking “Are you okay?” and I looked at him while still tightly gripping the steering wheel and said “Huh? What?” So he opened the car door and advised me and my daughters to get out and sit in his vehicle, because the flooded ditch could sweep the car away even further. When we finally got in his car my whole body began shaking and tears welled up in my eyes, because the realization of what had just happened hit me. The stranger looked at me and said “Man, you guys are lucky! that car could have flipped over!” Finally coming back to my senses I looked at him and said “No sir, we are blessed!” I don’t believe in luck.” Well anyway to make a long story short the car was towed out of the ditch and the only damage was a broken hub cap, and the tire had to have mud removed from behind it. Final result? There wasn’t a scratch on us or the car.
This episode made me think about how people usually use the word luck to describe the things that happen in their lives. After I became saved I stopped using that word, because I give all glory to God for everything. Luck is for unbelievers who believe in leprechauns, Santa Claus, and all that fantasy stuff. If you believe in Jesus and asked him to take control of your life you will recognize the miraculous things that he does to show you that he had you in the palm of his hands all along.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
09 July 2007
Do You See What I See?
One thing that I have learned during this Christian walk is how to pull back. By pulling back, I mean that I can’t expect everyone to see everything that I see in the spiritual realm. For example, you wouldn’t expect a newly saved person to go around preaching, laying hands on the sick, or casting out demons. Why? Because they are not strong enough in the word yet; they are still drinking milk. As a Christian you need to know your strengths and weakness in certain areas, because if you are not strong enough to cast out demons from a possessed person, and you try to, you could get yourself really hurt. We have to let our spirit man grow daily and wait until the Holy Spirit tells us to move. One thing that used to get to me was when trying to explain something in the spiritual realm that I see to someone one who couldn’t see and they brushed me off as being superstitious . I think people are quick to label things that they don’t understand as superstitious or scary when they don’t understand the spiritual realm. First of all superstition is straight from the pits of hell, and the enemy loves to keep this fear going. Second of all, I denounced all of that madness when I became saved.
Also another time while trying to explain something to someone that just didn’t seem to get it, the Holy Spirit told me to pull back, because they can’t see what you see right now. The Holy Spirit told me to never force anything on babes in Christ, because you could possibly turn them away altogether, and that is the last thing that I want to do. As Christians just realize that there are different levels of spirituality, and please don’t get upset if someone can’t see everything that you see right now. Just continue to pray, develop spiritually, and pray that others continue to mature so that they too, can see everything.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed * Y’all.
03 July 2007
Share the Light
The other day while out shopping at the mall, while looking at various clothing items I noticed something. Almost all of the clothing had some form of skulls, wicked pictures, or gothic writings on them. One of my daughters picked up a pair of sneakers from the shelf that at first glance appeared to have hearts all over them, but when I looked closer I noticed that there were skulls also imbedded in the hearts. I’d pick up a beautiful shirt that had roses on it only to discover that there were skulls and wicked things written subtly on them. Thinking that maybe it was the store that I was in, I went to several others to look. It was the same for many of the other items. Then it suddenly hit me- the enemy is getting bolder and craftier in these times. I don’t know about *y’all but skulls and crossbones have never meant anything but death to me. When I see them I don’t get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. The enemy is subtly making unsuspecting people worship him, from the clothing they wear, to the music they listen to. For example there is a popular catchy song out right now entitled, “Party like a rock star,” and I watched the video and in it there were numerous people throwing up the hand sign that showed that they loved and worshipped the enemy. I immediately said a prayer for the ones who probably had no idea what they were doing.
It is sad to see so many lost people living in utter darkness, but even sadder is the many people who are living in the light who don’t seem to be concerned anymore. They do just enough to say that they are Christians, but when it comes to actually helping save others, they quickly turn the other cheek. No one said that being a Christian was easy or that we wouldn’t have problems anymore. When we gave our lives to Jesus Christ we made a promise to love and help others. So with that being said; how many people have you taken by the hand and led into the light?
04 May 2007
Humble Pie
Proverbs 29:23 ~"A man's pride will bring him low, But the humble in spirit will retain honor."~
How many of *y’all have ever eaten humble pie? Well I have had to eat humble pie several times in my lifetime and probably will have to eat it again in the future. The reason that I know this is, because we are human and we battle our flesh daily. There isn’t anything wrong with eating humble pie as long as you learn from the experience. We as Christians should never judge or assume anything about anyone. We have to be very careful not to have e a Pharoses attitude toward others who are not on the same level spiritually as we are. Because always remember how you began your walk with Christ; for instance, did you quit all your bad habits immediately or did you have to take lil baby steps? Babies have to drink milk before they can chew on meat. This is the same process for all Christians. No one is saved overnight. It is a daily process. Jesus said that we must pick up the cross daily and follow him. This means that each new day is a chance to try and get things right. Don’t worry about what happened yesterday or last year ,but concern yourself with today. Stop expecting people to live like you want them to live, stop looking for faults in others, and please stop judging others. Because remember that Matt 7:2 "For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you." So for those of *y’all that kind of got beside yourselves and began looking your noses down on others; look in the mirror, swallow your pride, and eat a big ole’ slice of humble pie, because no one is perfect and we all mess up. Just be thankful that we have an understanding and merciful Father who loves and forgives all of us.
17 April 2007
Dance Partners
Have you ever danced with someone that wouldn’t let you go once the music had stopped? I mean they continued to hold on to you tightly even though you wanted them to let you go. They were stuck to you like super-duper glue, but all you could think of was, “let me go!” In fact the more you tried to pull away from them the harder they held you.
These incidents made me think about something; how many of *y’all know that when you dance with the devil you will get hurt every time? Once you dance with him, he will always try to keep his stronghold on you so that you don’t get the opportunity to dance with Jesus. Examples of dancing with the devil are falling for someone from your past that you know is living in utter darkness. I know many people who have fallen for this trap, including myself, because we want them to change so badly that we fall for the charming smiles and sweet words. We can’t see the forked tongue because we are too blinded by its charm. No matter how pleasing a person looks to the eyes, you have to always look at the person’s spirit. Use discernment at all times! Stop giving into your fleshly desires; it will get you killed out here. The devil isn’t playing *y’all, he wants you and he will use any and every trick to bring you into his kingdom. So if you keep on sticking your lil’ baby toe into his world he will snatch you up into his kingdom so fast it will make your head spin. So the best thing to do is to stay away from the dark side, because light and dark should never, ever mix.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
13 April 2007
Friend or Foe?
Why do some people try to instill fear in you? I mean, they go out of their way to make you feel afraid and troubled about certain situations in your life. They pretend to be concerned by saying things like, “Are you alright?” but they say it as if we were back in the 1800s and we are run- away slaves. Don’t get me wrong it is okay to ask, “Are you alright?” but what good is it to say it if comes from a cold heart?
Why do some people do this? The reason is because they want to transfer a spirit of fear to you. They want you to stumble and lose focus. But they fail to realize that there isn't anything that can make you doubt Jesus and your love for him.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
10 April 2007
Fly Higher
The other day while driving I saw a bird in the sky that was struggling to fly. It was a very windy day, but that bird was determined to fly higher. The wind was knocking that bird every which way, but it continued to flap its wings, determined to soar. I sat there and watched that bird until it had flapped its wings enough to make progress, only to be knocked back down countless times. The bird finally flapped its wings enough to gain enough momentum to fly higher. This incident really spoke to me and made me think about the drive in many of us. Even though the enemy will come with numerous attacks, he can’t take our drive, our will, or our focus to soar higher. He can’t take our faith in Jesus. For those of you who are soaring for righteousness I applaud you, because in today’s world it is so easy to give up and fly low on the bandwagon of sin. So keep soaring for righteousness, keep flapping your wings for morality, because you will eventually reach your final destination to be with the Son and the Father.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
15 March 2007
Study and Pass the Test
Real- “Genuine; not counterfeit, artificial, or imitation; authentic."
Fake- “Designed to deceive or cheat; not real; counterfeit.”
I have been asked several times how to know if someone’s teachings are real or fake. Each time my answer is always the same. If the person says that they believe in Jesus Christ then their actions, lifestyle, speech, etc will show this. In other words their life will emulate Christ and Christian things. If you have questions about whether someone’s teachings are real or fake then you need to pick up the Bible and read and meditate on the Word for yourself. This sounds simple doesn’t it? Well in some of my life experiences I have found people who claim to know the Lord, they go to church, participate in church activities, etc., but they sometimes become overly dependent on others to give them the Word, instead of reading it themselves. Don’t get me wrong, it is good to have someone minister the Word to us, because we all need reinforcements in our spiritual journey. But please don’t get so comfortable in what someone else tells you, that you don’t even pick up the Bible anymore. How can you recognize someone that does this? For instance, if they seem to always start their sentences with “(So-&-So) says….. The (So-&-So) always says…. etc.” What I am saying is that we have to be very careful about uplifting man and giving him/her God’s glory. Sure (So-&-So) may have held your hand on parts of your spiritual journey, but please don’t forget to do your own research and listen to the Holy Spirit yourself. If the Lord truly has something for you, then he will tell you and not always use a middleman.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
10 March 2007
The Blind Can't Lead The Blind
~Matthew 18:6 "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”~
This topic is a topic that may hurt some people's feelings, but sometimes the "Truth Hurts." I have been approached several times over the years to join certain organizations that were and are still popular today. Although I wasn’t saved at the time when I was asked to join these covert organizations, something in me told me not to do it. Today, I now know that that was the Holy Spirit telling me not to do it. When I did my research I found out that many of these organizations had all kinds of secret rituals and ceremonies that made people go through some humiliating things in order to become members. This started me thinking about all of these so called secret organizations that so many people are a part of and don’t really know what they are really a part of. It made me think of the people who would argue you down if you said anything against their organization. Jesus doesn’t require us to worship signs, symbols, and medallions or to use our affiliation with various organizations to get illegal hook-ups. When we do that we are worshiping idols, which are false Gods, of which God highly detests. He wants us to worship him in Spirit and in truth. The only requirement is to confess our sins to him and accept him as our savior…sounds simple doesn’t it?
Well too many people out there are hurting and are seeking something to belong to, often times they get sidetracked and duped into joining these cunning organizations. A lot of them joined when they were young and naïve and many knew in their hearts, it nwasn't right, but are too afraid of the so called consequences ,because they illegally gave blood oaths or something similar to never forsake the organization. I don’t know about *y’all ,but if I have a choice between Flim-Flam- Flum, or Jesus Christ -uh it’s not even a contest because I'm going to trust Jesus everytime. Many others joined these organizations because they had family members that were in it and so they just followed in those tragic foot steps, thereby keeping the generational curses going.
I don’t claim to know it all, but one thing that I do know is that it is not too late to walk out of the darkness and start living in the real light which is Jesus Christ. I don’t know about *y’all but I want to go to heaven to be with the Father and the Son and I don’t want anything on this Earth to hinder my walk getting there. I realize that some people are truly ignorant of what they are involved in and all we can do is pray for them to gain wisdom in this area. But there are many that KNOW what they are involved in and so they are held accountable for this. I don’t know about *y’all, but I don’t want anyone’s blood on my hands when I stand before the Father. It is one thing to not know, but it is totally different to know and intentionally lead others down the pathway to destruction. For those of you that this applies to, I pray that this stronghold is removed from you and most of all I pray that God has mercy on you.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
28 February 2007
Truth Hurts
Have you ever said something to someone, and then they got upset with you? Did they get irate and say that what you said did not apply to them? Did they call you a liar? If so then you were bit by a hit dog. In my lifetime, I have found that the saying, “A hit dog will holler,” is really true, because if someone said something about you that were not true- you wouldn’t be offended. You wouldn’t think anything else about it. But if what they said about you applied to you, then your feelings are hurt, and you lash out. You know why you reacted like this? Because sometimes the truth hurts no matter how soft it is given to you. For example, in my past people used to say I talked too much, I would go ballistic on them trying to prove to them that I did not have a big mouth, when in fact I just proved them right by barking like a Big dog. I wrote this topic today to say that if you have said something to someone to try and really help them see themselves and they got upset with you, don’t worry about it. Because in the back of their minds they know that what you said was actually true. If they are really your friend, then they will eventually come back later, and thank you for being bold enough to tell them the truth.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
21 February 2007
Instigate-“to urge, provoke, or incite to some action or course”
How many of *y’all know someone that likes to stir things up? I mean they enjoy getting others riled up. They say things like, “Are you going to let him talk to you like that?"I" wouldn’t take that. If I were you, I'd do….” They like to see you upset and crunk for some reason. I call these people Hype-Men because they like to make you anxious. They never spend time pumping you up with positive things, but as soon as they see confusion, here they come running! If you have anyone like this around you, you need to cut back on the time that you spend with them, because they are trying to lead you down the path to destruction. Real friends will be loving, logical, and want you to succeed, (so sitting in a jail cell with umpteen years for beating up someone, because they looked at you crazy is not a good look). You probably would never have acted foolishly if not for your personal Hype-man. Hype-men love chaos, turmoil, and confusion because their leader is the master of all these. Instead of Hype-men saying, “Here I am to save the day!” They rush in screaming, “Hear I am to wreck your day!” Some signs that you have a Hype-man in you life; if they always make you feel anxious inside, if they make you feel weak if you back down from confrontation, or if they always say, “You know I got your back.” But then they stand on the sidelines and watch while you fight Rocky Balboa and Mike Tyson all by yourself. Aren’t you tired of looking like the town fool? If so then, the next time a Hype-Man comes flying your way, pull out the brick wall (the Word) and watch him crash and burn every time.
14 February 2007
The Great Pretenders
Have you ever known someone that fronts like they have it all together? I mean they go through all kinds of changes trying to get you to believe their facade? When the truth is they are really hurting inside, but faking like they are okay. When in actuality they are all broken up inside and too proud to say, “I need help,” or too stubborn to say, “Please tell me how you made it out of your negative situation so I can learn.” I call these people pretenders because they pretend to have it going on. I call them pretenders because; they are pretending to be something they are not. I call them pretenders, because they pretend to be happy when they are really miserable inside. One way to know if someone is a pretender or not is if they always ‘say’ they have joy. If you really have joy you don’t have to say anything. It will show in all that you do.
One way to break the pretend cycle is to admit that you need help; it is okay to let others know that you are weak in certain areas. It is okay to let others know you need their help, because we can’t carry it all by ourselves. It is okay to admit that you don’t have it altogether, because in reality no one has it altogether. We need to try and help those that have fallen short especially if they have reached out to you. By help I mean help those who are seeking the light, I am not talking about those that live in total darkness and don’t want to change at all. I am also speaking to myself *y’all because my flesh is sometimes too quick to cut off others when I see them do things that aren’t right. The Lord is still working on me too *y'all, and I can admit when I need help.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
31 January 2007
Track Star
Isaiah 26:7 “The path of the righteous is level. O Upright One, you make the road of the righteous smooth.”
Have you ever known someone that accused you of something that you would never do? I mean this person would make up a scenario in their twisted minds and then start to actually believe the lie themselves. Well I have had this happen to me before, and it was shocking that this person that I knew (or thought I knew) would believe anything even close to what they accused. One thing that I have realized is that some people can so easily accuse you of some things because they are really speaking on things that they would do if the tables were turned. One thing that I learned was to never underestimate the enemy and his tricks. He never plays fair. He wants to kill you physically, mentally, and most of all spiritually. So he will use anyone to get at you –why? Because he knows that you love the Lord and he wants to destroy that. He doesn’t care about the ones that are already living foul, (he already has them). He wants you, and what better way to get you off track than to use someone that you thought was in your corner. He thinks that since you love them you will listen to their nonsense and get off track, but if you love them more than Jesus then yes you will surely fall, but if you love Jesus more than anything then you will slap those demons back into their pits of hell, (and when I say slap I mean slap ‘em with the Word). So for all of my fellow trackmates, let’s stay on course, catch our breaths, and keep going because the finish line is right up ahead.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
25 January 2007
I am tired of people taking my kindness for weakness.
I am tired of the world telling me I need a man to complete me.
I am tired of wolves in sheep clothing stepping to me.
I am tired of people who try and test my love for the Lord
I am tired of the enemy coming at me as if I can’t see his horns.
I am tired of people who take everything but give nothing
I am tired of people who quote Bible scriptures but aren’t’ living one word of it.
I am tired of people who think that I am too young to know God.
I am tired of people trying to give me their rotten fruit and expect me to eat it.
I am tired of people trying to push my history buttons.
I am tired of people that think they know it all and have arrived.
I am tired but grateful that Jesus gives me the strength to endure it all.
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all
16 January 2007
How many of *y'all have been helped by someone who afterwards went around telling everyone what they did for you? These helpers had hidden agendas from the beginning, and that agenda was to try and belittle you. I try to help anyone who needs it, but I don't tell anyone about it, because I don't do it for recognition. I did it because it was the right thing to do, and I don’t expect anything in return. We all have been or will be put in a position to help others. I don’t know about *y’all but I enjoy the feeling that I get inside from helping others. I am pretty sure that was how Jesus felt when he was helping and healing numerous people. He never told them to “Let ‘em know Jesus did this for you, or Tell ‘em Jesus hooked you up!” in fact he told them the opposite- to not tell anyone because it wasn’t about self-promotion. If you want to help others, then help them, but please don’t turn around and brag about it, because I think others can relate when I say,"I'll pass on your kind of help, because I prefer not to be used in your campaign of self-righteous self promotion."
Can anyone out there relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.
04 January 2007
Jesus Freak
This is a topic that some of you may know about or may have dealt with personally since becoming a child of God. Ever since I became saved and accepted Jesus Christ into my life, I have had to deal with negativity from many. I have been talked about behind my back. Some say that I just want some attention. Some hope that, I’ll go back to my old destructive ways soon. I know that I have naysayer’s calling me a Jesus freak, but you know what? I have been a freak in the club, a freak for fake friends and a freak to several men. So why not become a freak for Jesus? Why not give all my time to someone who has saved me from death? Why not become a freak for eternal love? Why not become a freak for someone who gave his life for me? I have wasted plenty of time and energy on many things in this world that didn’t reciprocate, so why not become a Jesus Freak?
Is there anyone else out there that can relate?
Be Blessed *Y’all.