31 August 2006


Today is nothing but happy thoughts *y'all!

I am happy that I have Joy.
I am happy that I have peace.
I am happy that I woke up this morning.
I am happy that I am not where I was.
I am happy that I still know how to love.
I am happy that I can receive love
I am happy that I am not bitter.
I am happy that I know the difference between right and wrong.
I am happy that I have true friends
I am happy that I am a friend.
I am happy that I have discernment.
I am happy that I toned my mouth down.
I am happy that I keep my words soft and sweet.
I am happy if I have to eat them.
I am happy that I had twins.
I am happy that they look like me.
I am happy that I can laugh.
I am happy that I can see humor in all things.
I am happy that I have my health.
I am happy that I have traveled.
I am happy that I am educated.
I am happy that I can give.
I am happy that I can receive.
I am happy to know that you reap what you sow.
I am happy to know that there is someone who loves me despite my scrapes and bruises that I picked up along the way in this basic training called life.
I am happy that I know Jesus.

Be Blessed *Y'all.

30 August 2006

Dead Weight

Let That Anchor Go!

Many of you are dealing with some things that you need to just get rid of! One of my favorite movies had a quote in it that really spoke to my soul; “Some of you are trying to hold on to something that GOD himself is trying to break up.” I thought that statement was so profound. I began to wonder about what was holding me down, making me sink to the bottom of the ocean, and trying to drown me. Some of you have lightweight anchors that don’t stop your daily progress, but some of you are carrying some gigantic anchors that would make the Heavyweight Lifter of the World blush. Some examples of deadweights are; Family members that use you up like toilet paper-let that anchor go; Personal relationships in which you give 95% while they give 5% -let that anchor go! Friends that you encourage daily, yet they can never find anything comforting to say to you when you need it-let that anchor go! That job that you have been stuck at for years, giving your all, only to watch those less qualified than you, move pass you- let that anchor go! Life is heavy enough without you adding deadweights to it! Trust me, once you finally cut that anchor loose you will begin to float to the promised land that the Lord has in store for you.

Can any one out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

29 August 2006

Vision of Lust

How To Kick The Habit

Have you ever dated someone that you knew in your spirit wasn’t right for you? You knew that this person really didn’t care for you, yet you couldn’t leave them alone? It was like an addiction, and you literally felt sick if you didn’t get a fix? It seemed like you fought all the time, except when you were being intimate with them? It seemed like the relationship centered only on the physical? I too can admit to being caught up *y'all, just fooling myself to make myself believe that that person loved only me. I finally woke up, and realized that the reason why I couldn’t let that person go was, because their spirit was intertwined with my spirit. I even vowed to myself previously, and many times before that I was going to finally leave them alone, but not even a day later I was steady blowing up their cell phone and text messaging them with 911. In situations like this your mind may be set to leave them alone, but all they have to do is call you and say, I want you or even better I Love you, and you are on the first thing smoking over to their place. Yet, you felt so lonely and empty on the inside afterwards. Intertwining of the spirits is a powerful thing, and it can be very deceptive. Our "bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit", so we should be overly cautious about who we let into our spirits. It is much easier to kick the habit after you cut out the physical, pretty soon that person will have no effect on you. If you are trying to leave someone alone that you know is not good for you; don’t answer their phone calls, put their pictures away, stop playing *y'alls special song, and avoid being around that person if possible (Why tempt yourself?). I found that if you do this for a period of time, that pretty soon Mr. or Miss Fiyan! will start looking like “Mr. or Miss EWW! because the blinders that your heart had over your eyes will now be removed, and you will be able to see their true spirit. It may even surprise some of you to know that you were “sleeping with the enemy” all along. Keep in mind that this is not an overnight process, but if you are persistent you will see results. Finally, the mere sight of this person will cause you to get sick to your stomach (or maybe that was just me).
For all of you that have gotten over a lust addiction; Congratulations! you have finally kicked the habit and realized that your “Vision of Love” was merely a “Vision Of Lust.”

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

27 August 2006

Something Just Ain’t Right

If It Looks Like A Snake……

Have you ever met someone and just got a bad feeling that something wasn’t quite right about them, and then later on you found out that the feeling you had was legit? You probably even said to yourself afterwards; I knew something wasn’t right! Usually, you found out after that person had done something terrible to you. But before in the back of your mind you wondered; Why don’t they have any other friends? Why do they play the victim all the time? Why isn’t anything ever their fault? Why do they always try to keep you laughing to keep your thoughts on other things? Why do they look at you with eyes that could cut steel? Why do they gossip so much? Perhaps even when you attempted to look them in their eyes, they turned away so that you couldn’t see the scabs covering them. This has happened to me several times, but I refuse to let it happen again. From now on when the Holy Spirit tells me that someone is not right, I will step. However,I will remain polite, and continue to pray for them, but I will not allow that person into my private life, because they are battling some dark spirits that I want no parts of. Light and dark can not mix *y'all. What I am talking about is not being judgmental, but using discernment, (looking at their fruit). Often times we brush off what the Holy Spirit is telling us because we don’t want to be labeled as judgmental. The next time the Holy Spirit tells me that I should take heed when someone approaches me that has ulterior motives, I will stop, look, and listen. I don't know about *y'all but a snake doesn’t have to bite me in order for me to know it is a snake.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

25 August 2006

The Word Is Real -Everyone Who Quotes It Isn't.


Why do some people take a Bible verse and quote it only when it is convenient for them? I had a relative who used to do this a lot. She would say things like “The Bible says “eye for an eye,” that means if someone messes with me (of course her language was more colorful) that means I can cut them!” Or she would say “Women ain’t supposed to cut their hair or they will go to hell!” I could go on and on about my Bible-Misquoting-Aunt but I don’t want to go too far because she takes that “eye for an eye” verse seriously. My aunt and others like her made me wonder; Why do some people quote Bible verses only when it is convenient for them? They know only bits and pieces of the Bible and aren’t ashamed to broadcast it. More than likely they have never read an entire chapter of the Bible, yet they will use every opportunity to slap you upside the head with what they do know! I have no problem with people quoting Bible verses, but I do have a problem with you leaving things out and adding your own special slang to it. If you are going to quote Bible scripture to others, please make sure that you 1.) Own a Bible 2.)Don’t have a beer in your hand 3.) Don’t use profanity 4.) Don’t keep saying “Ya know what I’m saying!” with a cigarette hanging from the corner of your mouth. Maybe I’m just extra sensitive, but I feel that the Word is true, and should never be tampered with. If you don’t know the Bible, then please don’t act as if you do because people will know something’s up when you say things like, “Whatchamacallit parted the Red Sea, and karate chopped that big ‘ole rock in two.” (LOL Aunty!). Some people need to learn these three lil’ words; “I don’t know.” Trust me, if you add this to your vocabulary people will respect you more.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

24 August 2006

Back Track

The Moonwalk vs. The Running Man.

I used to hear about how when a person becomes saved that a lot of people that they previously hung around with would eventually disappear. Maybe I just didn’t pay attention, or maybe I thought that my friends would be there forever. I was wrong again, *y'all. One former friend who shall remain nameless made me feel as though I thought that I was better than her because I was saved, and that I quoted scriptures to her. She accused me of judging her, although this was not true at all, because if I had have judged this person on the things that she was doing at the time years ago I would have never ever befriended her (she had some issues *y'all) so obviously that dog didn’t hunt. The most difficult thing about this was that I had known this person for years. If someone would have told me years ago that this person would no longer be in my life anymore I would have called them an outright liar (amongst other things), because I thought this person was a true friend. I even pondered that maybe I was acting like I was better since I was saved. Well I spent a lot of moments in prayer over this issue. I even considered Moon Walking back into my old ways just a little so that she would still like me. Then it hit me like a brick, that is what the enemy wanted me to do, he is a master of manipulation. If you give him an inch, he will indeed become your ruler. I immediately called him a liar and put him back under my feet. If he conned the first woman into eating that apple,then what made me think I was exempt?
I finally came to the conclusion that a true friend will be happy for you and want you to soar higher, and a surface friend will want you to hang around in the shallow end of the pool with them. One of the hardest things that I had to do was to let that person go. When I finally did let her go, a lot of my blessings began to flow. That is when I realized that there are some people who will block (I call them Bless -Blockers) what God has in store for us because we can’t see past them. We want to please them when in actuality we should be pleasing GOD. If your friend wants you to do anything that takes you out of GOD’s will, then they are anything but a friend.

Warnings that someone may not be a true friend; if your friend says you should crawl before you walk, while they are running, if your friend constantly compares the things that you do to what they do, if your friend always talks about the bad things from your past, if your friend talks negatively behind your back to others, and if your friend tells everyone that they are the reason that you are saved because they bought you the bible (which was untrue). If you have someone like that hanging around you, you need to do the Running Man into a more positive direction because GOD is taking you places.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

22 August 2006

Gold Tooth Magnet

Don’t Smile For Me Daddy.

Yes, we live in America where we can do almost anything, but that doesn’t mean we should do everything. When I lived in AL, I was constantly approached by guys with Gold teeth in their mouths. I never understood the popularity of this trend. Hey to each his own, but don’t get mad at me if I politely decline your advances, because I don’t want to get metal poisoning.
One time a while back, I was approached by a guy who said “Yo shawty, what’s yo name is, are those yo real eyes." and then he smiled and I was blinded by his smile, not because his teeth were pearly white *y'all, but because he had gold teeth that filled his whole mouth. Maybe it is just me, but I am one of the rare individuals that think that gold belongs on things like necklaces, rings, etc. -just not in the mouth. So instead of being rude and saying "My name is Pepper spray." I politely said “Hi, my name is Felicia. What is your name?” Then he started stuttering, because from past experiences, correct English and politeness seemed to have the same effect on men with gold teeth that Raid had on roaches. “Oh you a educated red bone I probably ain’t yo type-my bad, you probably think you too good for me anyway.” I then looked, or at least tried to look him in his eyes, but the glare from the sun on his teeth prevented me from doing that. I looked at him and said “You want to know what my type is? I like a man who loves the lord, who loves himself, I like white teeth, and I don’t like to see your underwear if I don’t know you.” He angrily got back in his car that had the superman logo painted on the hood, and proceeded to drive off while blasting a derogatory song that called women out of their names. I had numerous other similar incidents like this and usually the reaction was the same. That’s when I begin to ask the question; “Am I a gold tooth magnet?” Do I look like I need some bling in my life? If so then could someone please tell me on how to get rid of it?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

Not Wise -Just Old

Today is a short one *y'all. What finally prompted me to write about this now, is that one day while watching the news there was a story on about an 82 year old woman skydiving out of an airplane. When she landed and everyone rushed over to pick up her fragile body, the reporter began to talk about how wise this woman was. Immediately, I thought what wisdom had to do with jumping from a perfectly good aircraft. She could have been hurt or killed. I guess society no longer understands what true wisdom means. For example; Would the three Wisemen that visited baby Jesus years ago have ever jumped out of an airplane –NO! Why? Because it is senseless and benefits no one! Before I continue, let me clarify that I am not bashing the elderly. I respect all people. So I decided to compile a list of things that do not qualify you as wise. Before I begin, let me give the proper definition of wisdom: The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting.

Things that do not make you wise:
1. Age
2. Grey Hair
3. Wrinkles
4. Arthritis
5. Dentures
6. Starting sentences with “I used to change your diapers….”
7. Jumping from a plane

Does anyone out there understand this, or is it just me?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

21 August 2006

Don’t Judge a Book..........

But He Looked Like A Christian.

One day after doing my nine hours at work I went outside to get in my minivan to go home. I was extra tired that day because I had worked hard *y'all. I got in my van and drove off, well before I could get out of the parking lot good, I noticed a man yelling in my direction. I rolled my window down and said “May I help you?” He said “You have a flat tire.” Surprised I said “Really? I didn’t notice.” He said “You didn’t feel one side of the van leaning?” I said “No.” So I got out of the van and looked at the tire. It was flatter than a pancake.I couldn’t believe that I hadn't noticed. I then said “Oh no!” Well he then said “I got something in my car that will help you out.” He went over to his car which was a big beige Lincoln Navigator with all of the fixings. I really wasn’t paying attention to his car, I was looking at the fish symbol on the back of it, and the cross hanging from the mirror. I immediately thought this is a Christian man. Thank you Lord for sending me help. Well as I was waiting and thanking this man in my mind he came back over to my van and said “Uh, are you going to get someone to help you out with that?” I thought to myself You just said that you had something to help me out in your car. Also, while I was thinking this, I noticed that he had an ornament on his necklace shaped in the form of a cross. Well two things immediately came to mind 1) this man has severe amnesia and forgets everything that he says within five minutes of eachother,or 2) he wanted to help but he remembered that he had on some nice slacks and shirt and didn’t want to get his hands dirty. 3) he didn’t feel that he would benefit any from helping me out. Well I looked him in his eyes and said “Yes, I think I can find someone to help, thank you for your help.” In my mind I was thinking Thank you for pointing out the problem. He got back in his SUV and sped off with his Gospel music blasting.
Afterwards, I sat there in the parking lot for about five minutes and thought What do I do Lord? I have to pick the girls up from daycare before 6:00 and it was 5:30. Well before I sat there and a had a pity party, I got out of my car and ran back upstairs to my office and noticed one of the guys in my office at his computer. I said “Can someone please help me change a flat tire? I have to go get my girls before six. He immediately said “Okay.” He and another co-worker who had just came in, also followed me outside and removed the flat tire and put on the spare tire. As they were changing my tire I was thinking about how they got themselves dirty (because the tire was dirty) on my behalf. I never would have thought they would have helped me. When they finished, they told me to go get the tire sealed because it was still usable. I thanked them many times and got in my van and went to get my kids. I also went and got the tire patched up.
My mind was going a hundred miles an hour thinking about how the guy with the fish on his car, cross on his mirror, and the cross on his neck would not help me but he pointed out the problem. This made me think about all the many outward Christianity signs people advertise on them or their cars. In that moment I realized that many of them really do, do it just for ‘show.” They wanted to look the part. Because if that guy with the fish on his car knew what the fish meant he would have helped me or anyone else that needed it ,because Jesus tells us to help each other and not expect anything in return.
Well, anyway I went to a local store and personally selected two Thank You cards for the two guys who had helped me out and sat them on their desk Monday morning. One of them after reading the card asked me what it for was. I looked at him and said “For helping me out the other day.” He looked a lil’shocked and said “It was really no problem.” Well when he left my desk I immediately thought, “There was a problem because I judged a book by its cover, because if someone would have asked me to pick the one that you least expected to help you when you needed them I would have sadly chosen him, because he didn’t look the part. This was truly a wake up call for me. From now on I will do my best to not judge others based on outside appearances. I will look at their Spirits because on Judgment day, that is what the Lord will judge us on.

Be Blessed *Y'all.

18 August 2006

The Moment That I Knew I had changed.

Jalopy vs. Minivan

It was around 6:00 pm on a Wednesday night back in January. I got off work, picked up my girls, and went to the grocery store. When I got home and pulled up to my apartmen to try and get into my garage, I saw a burgundy Oldsmobile parked in front of my neighbors and my garage area. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have noticed except I couldn’t get my big minivan (why they call them minivans is beyond me) into my garage. I needed to swing wide to maneuver it into my garage (which I learned the hard way one day by scraping up one side of the van and denting the garage door when I miscalculated the size of the van and the garage). Anyway, while attempting to maneuver this van numerous times with no success, I noticed my neighbor’s door open and a woman came out of the apartment, immediately I thought, Great she is going to be courteous and move her car. Well I was wrong because the woman just stood there with a phone on one ear and a cigarette in one hand and stared at me in a confrontational way. I know this person sees me trying to get this van into my garage is what I thought. Now the old Felicia would have jumped out my van, removed the cigarette, put it out on her forehead and said something really offensive. I was really tempted *y'all, especially when she blew smoke rings in my direction and smiled sarcastically.
Instead good prevailed, and I took the high road and pulled up next to her and said “Excuse me Ma’m could you please move your vehicle so that I can get into my garage, because I always have a hard time driving this big ‘ole van into my space.” She looked at me and said, “Oh I’m sorry! Is my car in your way? Oh, I didn’t know!” It took nearly all of my good spirituality not to say, “ Heifer you know your jalopy is in my way and you don’t even live out here!” But I took the high road again, smiled, and politely said, “Thank You, Ma’m.” As she got into her car and moved it, I immediately thought to myself I have changed Lord because any other time I would have moved her car out of the way with my van and dared her to say something. We would have been two unsaved individuals fighting over a parking space and ultimately going to jail or worse. It would have been hard trying to explain to my kids why mommy is in jail because she got mad and couldn’t control herself, when I always tell them to be nice and not to fight over small stuff.

I am ultimate proof that anyone can change for the better if they accept the Lord whole heartedly into their lives.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.

17 August 2006

Tongue Massacre

RIP MC Slice 'Em Up

I used be armed with a deadly weapon. I would take it out whenever I felt threatened. Sometimes it was concealed, but if anyone did anything to make me mad... BANG! I would pull it out with the quickness. Sometimes I would tease people like they do in those shoot 'em up movies, where they kind of patted their holsters in a menacing way. I even battled others who thought they had a bigger and better weapon, but mine was always quicker.This weapon injured a lot of people some innocent, some not. I had no remorse. I was a cold-blooded murderer. My family used to call me MC Slice 'Em up! I was proud. Then one day I looked at myself in the mirror after I had just committed my latest assault with a deadly weapon. I was alarmed by what I saw. My face was red, my body was trembling, and I was breathing like I had been fighting Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield. I was possessed by evil. I hit the mirror in frustration and didn't even feel the broken glass that shredded my bloody knuckles. I needed help *y'all, because this evil spirit was consuming me. I called out to the Lord and he answered my prayers. I asked him to please take this weapon away from me before I mutilated another human being. He comforted me and said, "I am not going to take it away from you, but I will turn what was used for bad and turn it into something good." It may surprise many of you to know that I still have that weapon today, only I don't use it as a weapon, oh don't get me wrong I will use it to shut Satan down when he comes a-knocking, but no more will I slay my innocent brothers and sisters. My tongue is now the most valuable asset that I own.

Can anyone out there relate?

Be Blessed *Y'all.